2025 IIPPE Annual Conference

15th Annual Conference in Political Economy

Immigration: Crisis of the World Capitalist System, Crisis for the World Capitalist System

Date: Wednesday (all day), September 17, to Saturday (all day), September 20, 2025
Venue: Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Türkiye

Following the Call for papers below are detailed instructions for submitting a proposal and a link to do so.

Call for Papers and Activist Proposals

For a quite a number of years now the mainstream mass media has run a constantly increasing number of stories on the world immigration crisis. Nearly all of them are either part of some aspect of the mainstream’s political agenda, such as immigration from Venezuela or the Ukraine (and the minimal coverage of the refugees from devastated Palestine), or as part of its pervasive ‘at least your social problems are not this bad’ coverage of real human tragedies. The plenary presentations at this conference to the contrary will discuss this crisis simultaneously from three perspectives: the (unnecessary) massive human tragedy that it is, the component of world capitalism’s current policrisis that it is, and the crisis it constitutes for world capitalism.

This is the first time in IIPPE’s 15-year history of conferences in political economy that we have had immigration as the theme. The nature of this crisis in capitalism indicates that it will not be the last time that we will address it. Absent any major restructuring of the world social order, this crisis can only continually deepen over the years and decades ahead to hard-to-even-imagine dimensions.

This is the Call for proposals for presentations at the conference on any aspects of political economy. Submissions may be made as

  • proposals for individual papers;
  • proposals for entire panels;
  • proposals for streams of panels;
  • proposals on activism, film, and media.

Like last year, proposals will be made electronically to the WHOVA platform. The Proposal Submission Portal is open as of today, with a deadline for proposals of about February 15, 2025.

The IIPPE Conference Committee

Proposal Submission Instructions for IIPPE 2025 Annual Conference

For any other questions regarding the conference NOT directly related to the programming of your proposal, please contact Regula Burki, at reburki@gmail.com. She will answer you directly or forward your email to the appropriate person for dealing with it.

1) General Information:

You can submit any of the following type of proposals:

  1. proposal for an individual paper
  2. activist proposal, documentary film, media project, etc.
  3. proposal for a whole panel or a stream of related panels

Proposals for either of the first two types of submissions must be submitted online through WHOVA (our conference platform): activist proposals, documentary films, art projects, etc. to the Activism, Film and Media Working Group, and all other proposals for individual papers to the appropriate Working Group. If you feel that your proposal does not fit into any of the IIPPE Working Group or joint Working Group panels, select the “Programme Committee” option. We, the Programme Committee, will then try to find a fit for your paper with one of the Working Groups. You can find more information on our Working Groups and their email at: http://iippe.org/Working-Groups/. The Working Groups make the primary decisions on panel structures and content.

As will be explained below, proposals for a whole panel or stream of related panels must be sent directly to the Coordinator(s) of the appropriate Working Group, with a copy to the Programme Committee at conference@iippe.org.

A person can propose only one individual paper, whether proposed by itself, or as part of a proposed panel, book discussion, roundtable, or a co-presentation. Please do not submit two proposals for papers to the WHOVA platform from one person.

A person can propose only one activist proposal of any type.

A person may however submit one individual paper and one activist proposal, if they wish to.

We will have a four-day-conference. The first day, Wednesday, 17 September 2025, will be dedicated to a number of workshops and a plenary. All the presentations in “normal panels” will take place from Thursday to Saturday, 18 – 20 September 2025. We encourage everyone to come for the full four days since the workshops are a chance to address some issues in greater depth than any paper or panel can. There will be plenaries at the end of all 4 days.

2) How to submit your proposal:

NOTE: Everyone submitting a proposal for an individual paper, activist proposal, or panel or stream of panels, must BEGIN BY SUBMITTING THE PROPOSAL FOR THEIR INDIVIDUAL PAPER OR ACTIVIST PRESENTATION to the WHOVA platform.

2a) Proposal for an individual paper:

You must submit your proposal, filling in the required information, to the WHOVA platform at the link given at the end of of these instructions, which will then also ask you to open a WHOVA account. We recommend that you open a WHOVA account when you submit your proposal because having a WHOVA account will give you access to all vital information during the conference, such as the overall programme, location of rooms, and announcements from the Program Committee, as well as letting you interact with other attendees during the conference and also for 3 additional months after the end of the conference.

The link for submitting the proposal for your individual paper, activist proposal, documentary film, or media project is at the end of these instructions.


The submission of proposals takes the form of issuing a ‘ticket’. On the first page it is necessary to change the quantity of tickets to 1 and then click ‘next’ to proceed. On the second page, fill in the required information and submit your abstract/proposal. You will receive a confirmation of your proposal submission by email from WHOVA as soon as completed.

NOTE: The automated system will call this step a “REGISTRATION”, but this ONLY MEANS that your PROPOSAL was recorded. Several months later, once your proposal has been accepted and assigned to a Working Group, you will subsequently need to REGISTER AND PAY YOUR CONFERENCE FEE. You will receive an email and a new link to do so at that time.


  1. You need to submit your proposal under the EXACT SPELLING OF YOUR NAME [first name(s) followed by surname(s)] the way you want to be listed on the programme as well as on any letters of invitation or certificates of attendance that you may need. You will NOT be able to subsequently insert or omit additional first or family names or change the spelling.

  1. You need to submit your proposal under the SAME EMAIL ADDRESS that you will use for ALL SUBSEQUENT INTERACTIONS with the IIPPE conference, such as REGISTRATION and PAYMENT OF THE CONFERENCE FEE once your proposal has been accepted, and any queries to the Conference Committee you might have. The automated submission system gets confused if you propose, register, or pay under different email addresses, and it may drop you.
  2. This is a 3- or 4-DAY CONFERENCE, from all day WEDNESDAY through all day SATURDAY (depending on whether you will attend any of the workshops on the first day). If because of  some scheduling conflict you will not be able to present on a given day, please let us know AT THE TIME OF REGISTRATION. We will then do our very best to accommodate your needs, though you might not end up presenting with the Working Group you originally signed up with. In order not to disrupt the proper functioning of the Working Groups and their presentation streams, SCHEDULING REQUESTS ARE LIMITED TO ONE DAY THAT YOU CAN NOT ATTEND, and REQUESTS AFTER THE REGISTRATION DEADLINE, which is now expected to be around 20 April 2025, WILL NOT BE ACCOMODATED.
  3. REGARDING ONLINE PRESENTATIONS: While IIPPE continues to explore ways to be able to start having hybrid conferences, for the time being we have neither the human nor material resources to do so. The same is the case for the majority of the Working Groups, though some Working Groups have on their own initiative begun to invite occasional speakers to present online in order to enrich their programme stream. However, only registered and in-person presenters will be listed on the program and be eligible for certificates of attendance.

2b) Activist Proposal, documentary films, media projects, etc.

When registering in the proposal portal select the category “Activism, Film and Media” and fill in the rest of this form. Make it clear in the field “Short abstract of your paper/proposal” what exactly you are submitting, e.g. a proposal for a film screening, media project, round table discussion, panel, etc. Whenever possible, add a link to your website or project. For more information contact (committeeonactivism@gmail.com).

2c) Proposal for a Panel or Stream of related Panels:

FIRST submit the proposals for ALL THE INDIVIDUAL PAPERS in the panel(s) to the WHOVA platform. AFTER THAT please send an email to the Coordinator of the Working Group where you would like to run your proposed panel or stream of panels, with a copy to the Programme Committee contact Ourania Dimakou at conference@iippe.org.  You can find the names and emails of those Working Group coordinators here: http://iippe.org/Working-Groups/.

If you don’t find an appropriate Working Group for your panel or stream of panels, please send the proposal directly to the Programme Committee contact Ourania Dimakou at conference@iippe.org.  

Include in your email all relevant information for the proposed panel or stream of panels (panel title(s), the titles of all papers in each panel, and the name of the presenter of each paper being proposed).

For submission of proposed panels to the Activism, Film and Media Working Group contact committeeonactivism@gmail.com.

Recall that all presenters in your panel or stream of panels must have submitted their papers individually to the WHOVA platform before the panel or stream of panels can be proposed to the Working Group coordinators.  You are responsible for ensuring that each person who is listed to present a paper in the proposed panel or stream of panels has made their individual presentation submission.

3) Co-authored Papers

In case several co-authors will jointly present a single paper, they will share a single time slot on a given panel. Each co-presenter must submit the same proposal title and abstract individually to the WHOVA platform. Again, do not put two people’s names into the same name field. Also, the Programme Committee will list only in-person presenters and co-presenters, not co-authors who are not present.

4) Confirmation of Submission

After completing your submission, you will receive an email confirming the successful submission of your proposal from WHOVA. If you do not receive an automatic email within a day, please email conference@iippe.org.

5) Review Process

All proposals will be reviewed by the Working Group Coordinator(s) it was submitted to. About one month after the final proposal submission deadline you will receive notification if your proposal has been accepted or not. If it is accepted, you will receive an email with more information about the conference and the registration procedure together with a registration link and code.

6) Membership Fees, Conference Fees, and Registration:

All presenters must be members of IIPPE.  Annual membership fees are:

  • students, unwaged, and retired €15.
  • All others, including all who get reduced Activist fees, €30.

As will be indicated on the fee schedule, membership fees will be paid together with the conference fee at the time of registration for the conference.

The conference fee includes coffee breaks and lunches during all four days, as well as the social mixers for both full-fee participants and reduced-fee student, unwaged, or retired participants. These social mixers are not included in the minimal conference fee for activists and auditors, unless they select the option that adds them.

Conference fees:  

  • Presenters who are students, unwaged, or retired:                                                         €95.00
    (Conference fee €80; membership €15, includes social mixers)
  • All other presenters without institutional support, except Activists                            €220.00
    (Conference fee €190; membership €30, includes social mixers)
  • All other presenters with institutional support, except Activists                                   €260.00
    (Conference fee €230; membership €30, includes social mixers)

  • Activists & auditors joining social mixers and lunches                                                    €90.00
    (Conference fee €10; membership €30; social mixers, coffees and lunches €50)
  • Activists & auditors not joining the two social mixers                                                      €40.00
    (Conference fee €10; membership €30)
  • Guest to the social mixers                                                                                                         €50.00 

Activists and auditors pay minimal conference fees of €10, but must pay the membership fee of €30. They can also join the lunches and the social mixers at the conference for an additional €50. 

7) Refund policy

As IIPPE absorbs the registration and processing fees, we are unable to give full refunds. In addition, withdrawal leads to additional workload and cost for the Programme Committee. Taking these costs into account, we refund the follow proportions of the fees according to the notification date:

Notification of withdrawal until 30 June 2025:  70% of fees to be refunded; 

                                         until 1 August 2025: 40% of the fees to be refunded;

                                         after 1 August 2025: no refund. 

If you wish to withdraw from IIPPE 2025 and to request a refund of registration fees, please email conference@iippe.org.

8) Key dates and deadlines

The proposal submission platform is now open and will close about Sunday night, 15 February 2025.

Successful submissions will be confirmed about Tuesday night, 25 March 2025.

The deadline for registration will be indicated after and with the notification of acceptance of proposals, and be posted simultaneously with the opening of the registration portal, and is excepted to be about 20 April 2025.

The preliminary programme will be available to view on the Whova conference platform from about 1 July 2025.

Here is the link for submitting the proposal for your individual paper, activist proposal, documentary film, or media project.
