Third IIPPE International Research Workshop
Workshop Programme
- Date: 14 September 2009 Time: 8:45 AM
- Finishes: 15 September 2009 Time: 5:30 PM
- Venue: Ankara, Turkey
- Type of Event: Workshop
Plenary: Workshop Welcome
Galip Yalman, Dimitris Milonakis and Pietro Masina
Plenary: Ben Fine – Fixing the Crisis
Session 1A: Finance 1: Exploitation, Capital Markets and Marxist Theory
Session coordinator: Aylin Topal
Discussant: Susan Newman
- Daniela Tavasci: The Political Economy of External Debt in Argentina
- Ali Riza Guengen: Fictitious Capital Speculation and Financialisation: Critical Moments of Instability, Crisis and Intervention in the Turkish Experience
- Jaime Marques Pereira: Money, Coordination and Systemic Risk in the 2001/2002 Argentinian Crisis and in the Present World Crisis
- Nilgun Erdem: Financial Crises and New Patterns of Dependency in the Turkish Economy
- Alessandro Vercelli: A Perspective on Minsky Moments: The Core of Financial Instability Hypothesis in the Light of the Subprime Crisis
Session 2A: Addressing Water
Session coordinator: Kate Bayliss
- Robin de la Motte: Towards a socio-political ecology
- Vasna Ramasar: Power and Politics in the Water Game: The Role of the South African State in the Historical Trajectory of Southern Africa’s Shared Rivers
- Mine Islar: Crisis of Water: Interrogating Neo-Liberal Water Discourses in Turkey
Session 3A: Labour 1
Session coordinator: Bruno Tinel
- Bruno Tinel: The Positive Contribution of Braverman on the Labour Process in Understanding Today’s Capitalism
- Ozguen Sarimehmet Duman: Working Class Resistance to the State’s Labour Market Deregulation Policies: Greece vs Turkey
- Valentina Prosperi: Labour Relations in the Construction Sector: A Case Study from Delhi
Session 1B: Neoliberalism 1
Session coordinator: Alfredo Saad-Filho
Discussant: Dae-Oup Chang
- Bernd Mueller: Agrarian Commercialisation and Transition to Capitalist Agriculture in Rural Tanzania: Limitations of the Neo-liberal Perspective
- Eser Pirgan: The Influence of International Institutions on Planning in Turkey in the Neo-Liberal Era
- Sebnem Oguz: The Response of the Turkish State to the 2008 Crisis: A Further Step towards Neoliberal Authoritarian Statism
- Janis Berzins: The Latvian disease: Neoliberalism and the development of underdevelopment
Session 2B: Finance 2
Session coordinator: Nurey Erguenes
Discussant: Alessandro Vercelli
- Julian Mueller: Substance and Governance of International Accounting Regulation and the Dominance of Capital as Money
- George Lambrinidis: The Evolution of the US Dollar as Quasi World Money
- Jo Michell: Investment-Driven Credit Creation in the People’s Republic of China
- Susan Newman: Systematised Capital Flight in South Africa
- Sam Ashman: Finance, Accumulation and the Crisis in South Africa
Plenary: Political Economy in Time of Crisis: Taking IIPPE Forward
Roundtable Discussion
Session 1C: Labour 2
Session coordinator: Bruno Tinel
- Umut Bozkurt: ‘We Are in the Same Boat’: Making Sense of Labour’s Politics of Consensus in Turkey in the Context of the Global Crisis
- Adam Hanieh: Migrant Labour, Class Formation and the Geographical Displacement of Crisis: A Case Study of the Gulf Cooperation Council
- Yasemin Oezguen and Oezguer Mueftueoglu: Turkish Unions in the face of the Crisis of Capitalism
Session 2C: Capitalism, Conflict, Crisis 1
Session coordinator: Pietro Masina
- Adam Fabry: Reflecting unevenness – Hungary and the global economy since 1989
- Koray Yilmaz: Crises in Turkish Capitalism and Individual Capitals as Invisible Gorgons of Crises
- Alexandre Abreu: Migration, development and the “articulation of modes of production”
- Giovanni, Bettini: Multidimensional Mobility – Politics of Place and People
- Lorenzo Fusaro: Economic Downturns, Crises and Hegemonic Transitions: What is the Relevance of Economic Downturns and Crises for Hegemonic Transitions? An Overview of Different Perspectives
Session 3C: Finance 3
Session coordinator: Alessandro Vercelli
- Ferda Doenmez Atbasi: Liberalized Capital Markets and Volatility
- Annina Kaltenbrunner: Liquidity and Exchange Rate Dynamics in Brazil
- Luigi Ventimiglia: The political economy of exchange rate in Peru
- Eugenia Pires: Migrant Remittances: A Marxist Political Economy Approach
- Gökçer Özgür and Hüseyin Özel: Can ‘Double Movement’ Explain Globalization and Its Crisis?
Plenary: Turkish Political Economy and the Political Economy of Turkey
Convenor: Galip Yalman Participants: Erol Taymaz (METU), Erinc Yeldan (Bilkent University), Korkut Boratav (TSSA)
Session 1D: Heterodoxy
Session coordinator: Dimitris Milonakis
- George Soklis: Alternative Value Bases and Prices: Evidence from the Input-Output Tables of the Swedish Economy / Full text is not available. The paper is to be published in Journal of Applied Input-Output Analysis (Accepted in February 2010)
- Stephane Longuet: Norms and Cognation in Individualist Theories of Democracy
- Nikolaos Rodousakis: Goodwin’s Lotka-Volterra Model in Disaggregative Form: A Note
Session 2D: Finance 4
Session Convenor: Pinar Bedirhanoglu
Discussant: Annina Kaltenbrunner
- Aurelian Beleau: Optimal Tax Theory and Macroeconomics
- Juan-Pablo Painceira: The Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 and Emerging Countries: The Political Economy of Central Banks in the Brazilian and Korean Economies
- Nurey Erguenes: Transformation of the Turkish Banking Sector within the Financialisation Process of the Turkish Economy
- Elif Karacimen: Financialisation of the Turkish Economy: The Implications of the Transformation of Traditional Banking Sector Activities
Session 3D: Capitalism, Conflict, Crisis 2
Session Convenor: Dae-Oup Chang
- Heesang Jeon: Cognitive Capitalism or Cognition in Capitalism?: A Critique of Cognitive Capitalism Theory
- Gong Gimm: Marx as Global Thinker?: The Evolution of the Concept of the World Market and Its Place in Broader Intellectual Context
- Romain Felli: International Law, Climate Change and Carbon Imperialism