14th Annual Conference in Political Economy

The Changing World Economy, and Today’s Imperialism
September 4-7, 2024, Istanbul Bilgi University, Santral Campus, Türkiye

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Report back on the IIPPE Annual Conference, September 5-8, Madrid

This year’s Annual Conference, The Chronicles of Multiple Crisis Foretold, was very similar in size, nature, and spirit to our first live “post-Covid” Annual Conference in Bologna in 2022. The workshop first day began our process of expansion from our traditional single Theoretical Issues in Political Economy (TIPE) workshop to two parallel all day workshops. This year’s TIPE Workshop was The Labor Theory of Value, with a morning workshop Two Versions of the Labor Theory of Value and an afternoon workshop The Empirical Relation Between Labor Values and Prices of Production. This year this was joined by a workshop organized by IIPPE’s The Political Economy of China’s Development Working Group, with a morning workshop Reflecting on the Political Economy of Coping with the Pandemic Crisis: China in Comparative Perspectives, and two afternoon workshops Brazil and China Relations and Notes on the Global South followed by a workshop China, a Contender in the Middle East – Drivers and Implications.

In the three days of panel presentations approximately 340 presenters gave approximately 300 academic presentations and 40 activist presentations.

The plenary on the first day was Surviving Today’s Multiple Crises with two presentations, Macroeconomic policies in a multiple crises era by Ignacio Álvaez, the Spanish Secretary of State for Social Rights, and Demanding power: what energy protests tell us about the limits of global capitalism in the climate crisis by Noami Hossain, from SOAS University of London. The plenary on the second day was Divisions Among the Oppressed, an Integral Component of Today’s Multiple Crises, with two presentations The entanglement of racism and capitalism in the age of absolutism by Satnam Virdee of the University of Glasgow, and Beyond boundaries: migration, race, and class in a world of multiple crises by Rafeef Ziadah from Kings College London. The third plenary on the closing day was Inequalities in a World in Crisis, with three presentations Intersectonal inequlaities in a digital world: vulnerability and resistance by Paula Rodríguez Modroño from Pablo de Olavide University in Seville, How to politicize time? by Pedro Rey Araujo from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and Tracing the links between inequality and the rise of the far right by Luis Buendía from the University of León. Links to all three plenaries are below.

IIPPE 2024 Annual Conference
September 4-7, 2024, Istanbul
Contact: iippe@iippe.org

Portuguese Association for Politcal Economy
January 30 – February 1, 2025, Lisbon (https://www.economiapolitica.pt/encontro-2025?lang=en)
Contact: info@economiapolitica.pt

Association for Heterodox Economics
Contact: heteconevents@gmail.com

Asociación de Economía Crítica
Next Conference in 2025