6th Annual Conference in Political Economy
Rethinking Economics: Pluralism, Interdisciplinarity and Activism
9 – 11 September 2015
University of Leeds, U.K.
Conference Registration
Practical Information
Call for Papers
The call for papers is now closed.
The economic crisis that started in 2007, while remaining a crisis for huge parts of the world’s population, has officially morphed into a “recovery” – albeit the slowest and weakest in recent history.
Mainstream economics is broadly discredited, with even some voices from some of its major bastions calling for its rejuvenation. But heterodox economics appears as theoretically and institutionally splintered as before the crisis, with its only solid point of agreement being the rejection of the dominant mainstream. Hence it continues to be unable to offer any positive alternative that can command broad acceptance even among heterodox economists, not to speak of making inroads into the orthodox teaching, researching and popularization of economics. Similarly, heterodox economists have made little new progress since the crisis toward their long held goal of linking to progressive forces in sociology, geography, political science, and other social disciplines.
The Sixth Annual Conference in Political Economy aims at fostering a reflection on positive alternatives to the mainstream by examining political economy from the complementary angles of pluralism, interdisciplinarity and activism. Papers on all aspects of political economy are welcome, while those focused on these topics are especially encouraged, whether relating to the current crisis or otherwise.
Practical Information
IIPPE welcomes the submission of (a) proposals for individual papers (which IIPPE will group into panels), (b) proposals for panels, (c) proposals for streams of panels, or (d) proposals for sessions on activism. Unlike last year, proposals for individual papers, panels, streams of panels or sessions on activism will use different electronic application forms. The four different application forms are all available on the IIPPE website.
All proposals can be submitted to either the Working Group coordinators or directly to the Conference Programme Committee, as indicated on the electronic application forms. Any papers or panels proposed to a Working Group which cannot be accepted by it will be forwarded to the Programme Committee for further consideration, without prejudice.
Application Forms
Note that an individual can present only one paper (or book presentation, roundtable or similar presentation) at the conference. The program will list only registered presenters, not the co-authors not in attendance. If two or more co-authors choose to register to jointly present one paper, they will both be listed on the program. Please contact Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu) if there is a pressing (very exceptional) case for someone to present more than once. All co-authors of course can be listed on the papers submitted for posting on the IIPPE website.
The deadline for submission of proposals for papers and panels is 22 April 2015. Successful submissions will be confirmed by 8 May 2015. The deadline for registration for the Conference is 1 July 2015. The program should be sent out by 30 July, 2015.
If you have any questions concerning your submission, please contact Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu).
If your browser has problems with this link, please contact Niels Hahn, nsc.hahn@gmail.com.