2021 MBC AGM Presentations
(It is hoped that starting with the 2022 Annual General Meeting a number of Working Groups will post material relating to the presentations made, to facilitate further communications with the authors concerning them: the schedule of presentations, emails of presenters, papers the presentations are about, transcripts or notes presentations were made from, and/or accompanying slides. The material here is posted 5 months after the 2021 AGM and so does not attempt to collect many contributions from 2021, but rather it is constructed as a visual prototype for WGs to look and modify as they see fit for their WG before the 2022 AGM.)
Schedule of MBC presentations at IIPPE 2021 AGM
Emails of Presenters for contacting them
What is Social Economic Planning? Al Campbell (al@economics.utah.edu). Here as subsequently published in Economic Revival of Russia, No. 4, 2021, pp. 28-38.
Towards a Society without Money: Theory and Simulation. Presented by Stefan Meretz (stefan@meretz.de). Slides from presentation.
As Climate Crisis Worsens, the Case for Eco-socialism Strengthens. Presented by Patrick Bond (pbond@mail.ngo.za). Full length article that the presentation was taken from.