Environment Working Group

The IIPPE Environment Working Group (EWG) aims to foster the development of political economy approaches to environmental issues, including approaches termed “political ecology”. It aims to work across traditional disciplinary divides (such as economics, sociology, human geography), as a superior alternative to the encroachment of mainstream economics into the terrain of environmental studies.

In so doing, the EWG will utilise the aims of IIPPE as its core guiding principles. The Group is particularly interested in bringing together a diverse range of researchers from different traditions to:

  • provide a forum for conversation and joint work to the mutual benefit of us all;
  • to develop a range of activities to advance the perspectives of political economy across this field of enquiry; and
  • to extend the work of the EWG within the wider research community, including in relation to progressive development policy and social movements.

Ongoing/future activities and initiatives


Please contact the environment working group via the Working Group co-chairs Professor Murat Arsel (arsel@iss.nl) and Professor Julia Steinberger (j.k.steinberger@leeds.ac.uk) or via the IIPPE e-mail address: iippe@soas.ac.uk.