254 results for author: iippe

[CFP] Conference 2018 – Africa and Social Reproduction Working Groups

The Africa and Social Reproduction Working Groups invite proposals for individual papers or panels in a joint stream. Political economy research in Africa and elsewhere predominantly takes labour absorption or job creation as factors of growth and development with inadequate consideration of the gender and class dynamics of production and reproduction. In ‘emerging’ African countries, it is often assumed that economic transformation necessitates, as a stage of capitalist development, a developmental state that restricts democratic rights of workers. In the more impoverished regions, migration patterns and agrarian economies are sustained in dependent forms, while they also experience shifting gender and class relations as capital is reconfigured and financialised and the labour crisis of neoliberalism deepens.

Conference 2017 – Papers and Presentations

Alice Nicole Sindzingre, Conditionality as Policy Externalisation: the Inherent Impasses of Asymmetry Ana Carolina Cordilha and Lena Lavinas, Brazil: ongoing reforms under a new wave of financialization Andrea Ricci, Unequal exchange in global trade: theoretical and empirical issues Andy Higginbottom, Marx’s Capital, Surplus-Value and Labour Super-exploitation Axel Gehring, Turkish Neoliberalism under Pressure from above? The Impacts of legal Nihilism Beatriz Casas González, Unpaid Internships, Employability and the Construction of the Subject Catherine Weiss, The inclusion of “sexual services” in social reproduction ...

IIPPE Training Workshop SOAS London 8 November 2017

The focus of the Workshop will be on Anglo-Saxon capitalism since the financial crisis. In the morning session, (10am to 1pm), Trevor Evans will survey economic and financial developments in the United States. In the afternoon session (2pm to 5pm) Simon Mohun will consider the performance of the United Kingdom economy in historical perspective.

IIPPE Elections 2017 – Results

The following candidates have been elected to the following bodies: Executive Committee: Chair: Ben Fine Vice Chair: Al Campbell Treasurer: Kate Bayliss General Secretary: Dimitris Milonakis Council: Ourania Dimakou Sergio Cámara Izquierdo Lucia Pradella Heesang Jeon Rubens Sawaya Niels Hahn Alfredo Saad Filho Please find the detailed voting tally here. If you're a full member, you may also access it by following the link and instructions contained in the email that was recently sent through the Helios online voting system. If you have any questions, complaints or queries in relation to this electoral ...

Berlin IIPPE General Meeting Agenda

Thursday 14 September, 6:30-8:00 pm, Old Library (Room 2.20) Apologies IIPPE 2014-7: Executive Committee Statement (Ben Fine, Susan Newman, Kate Bayliss, Dimitris Milonakis) IIPPE Executive Committee and Council Elections (Dimitris Milonakis) 2017 IIPPE Berlin Joint Conference with CPERN (Al Campbell, Trevor Evans, Phoebe Moore) 2018 IIPPE Conference (Al Campbell) 2019 IIPPE Conference (Dimitris Milonakis) IIPPE Finances (Kate Bayliss) Training Workshops between Lisbon, September 2016, and Berlin, September 2017 and future Workshops (Christina Laskaridis, Pedro Mendes Loureiro, Simon Mohun, Elisa Van Waeyenberge) 2017 ...

[IIPPE Elections 2017] Call for Nominations

Dear IIPPE member, This is election year for IIPPE. We had our last elections in 2014 and, according to our constitution, the elections for IIPPE officers (Executive Committee-EC and Council) are held every three years (see IIPPE Constitution for more details).  The elections will take place electronically, as happened last time. All Executive Committee and Council positions are open to full IIPPE members. Please consider standing for either an EC position (Chairperson, Vice Chair, Treasurer and General Secretary) or a Council position. The due date for nominations is 27 September 2017 (24:00) Please send your nomination to the IIPPE ...

Privatisation through Time and Space

Participants will discuss how privatisation, broadly conceived as the promotion of private interests in the organisation of social and physical infrastructure, has changed during the ‘neoliberal period’. Central to these developments is how forms of financialisation made possible by privatisation and changing roles of the state have encouraged new forms of private sector involvement in provisioning, with important implications for social and economic reproduction. These developments may also be seen as a form of variegated policy transfer from the OECD to non-OECD countries, aided and abetted by international institutions, as well as a result of policy experimentation through state/finance nexuses.

[CfP] Conference 2017 – Neoliberalism WG – Stream on Industrial Policy

Industrial Policy in the Neoliberalism Era: a powerful tool for (or against) change. Learning from International Practices. One decade ago, the wake of the crisis called for the need of real policy actions in the real economy. In this setting, despite the neo-liberal rhetoric of austerity contrary to any kind of government interference, in many countries we have been witnessing about ten years of industrial policy practices. In the US and in the strongest European industrialised economies, governments decided to intervene with industrial policy plans. Policies with very ambitious goals: to stimulate the whole economy, protect domestic industry, ...

Conference 2017 – Call for panels on the Russian Revolution and the publishing of vol I of Capital

Dear IIPPE members, Interest has been indicated by some members of IIPPE in having panels on the events of two big anniversaries this year, the 100th year anniversary of the Russian revolution and the 150th year anniversary of the publishing of volume I of Capital. This is a call for proposals from people interested in participating in such panels, something like 1) Capital: 150 years later. What has stood the test of time, what is outdated, what was added. 2) 100 years of the Russian Revolution: the impact on the global political economy and economy If you have already submitted a proposal to some Working Group (in particular I would ...

Confronting capitalism: CPERN themes at IIPPE/CPERN/ISA

We are fortunate to have the collective Critical Political Economy Research Network CPERN joining us at the forthcoming IIPPE/CPERN/IPE Conference September 13-15, 2017 Berlin School of Economics and Law CPERN Keynote speaker will be Dr Laura Horn Make sure to select ‘CPERN’ in the category of Working Groups when you submit! Please email Phoebe Moore for questions: p.moore@mdx.ac.uk THEMES (in alphabetical order) Confronting (inherently unstable) capitalism This stream will critically analyse (global) anti-capitalist, anarchist, feminist, cooperative and other movements that both destabilise capitalist tendencies and represent ...