Conference 2017 – Call for panels on the Russian Revolution and the publishing of vol I of Capital

Dear IIPPE members,

Interest has been indicated by some members of IIPPE in having panels on the events of two big anniversaries this year, the 100th year anniversary of the Russian revolution and the 150th year anniversary of the publishing of volume I of Capital. This is a call for proposals from people interested in participating in such panels, something like

1) Capital: 150 years later. What has stood the test of time, what is outdated, what was added.

2) 100 years of the Russian Revolution: the impact on the global political economy and economy

If you have already submitted a proposal to some Working Group (in particular I would think of the Marxism Working Group, but papers on these could have been sent to other Working Groups as well) for a paper that would fit into one of these panels, please send me an email so indicating, This will help me locate your paper in the Electronic Proposal Form database, where it will already be. If you have not yet submitted a paper and this suggestion motivates you to do so, please submit your paper to the Electronic Proposal Form, indicate it is for the Program Committee, and send me an email. Knowing who has submitted papers to various places on these topics will help me be sure that all such papers are pulled together so people presenting on these topics can best interact with each other.

In solidarity, Al (

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