7 results for tag: Conference 2023

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Agrarian Change Working Group

A sense of urgency animates the study of agrarian social formations in this conjuncture of (post?)-pandemic restructuring, the global climate emergency, continued extractivism, and the very real threat of trade-based food security crisis.

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Political Economy and Law WG

This call aims to provide a space within the IIPPE conference for both theoretical and empirical papers on all aspects of the interaction between law and political economy, across all sectors and geographical contexts. We are particularly interested in papers pertinent to this year’s conference theme on The Chronicles of Multiple Crises Foretold.

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Teaching Political Economy WG

The Teaching Political Economy working group welcomes proposals for individual research papers, panels and other presentations.

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Africa Working Group

The Africa Working Group invites proposals for individual papers or panels at IIPPE's 2023 Annual Conference (Madrid, Spain, 6-8 September). The Africa working group regularly contributes to the annual conference to bring together activists and scholars of Africa, and those in other IIPPE working groups, who share an interest in radical approaches to political economy, acknowledging the social relations in capitalism and often with a critical Marxist perspective.

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Urban and Regional Political Economy Working Group

The Urban and Regional Working Group calls for submission of abstracts for individual papers or panels on Urban and Regional Political Economy at the IIPPE Conference, September 6-8, 2023, following the successful streams at IIPPE conferences since 2010. We seek papers on any aspect of the political economy of localities and regions (sub-national territories), both rural and urban, and both Majority and Minority Worlds.

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Political Economy of Industrial Development Working Group

The Political Economy of Industrial Development (PEID) Working Group invites proposals for individual papers or panels on themes related to Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development, Green Transition and Green Industrial Policy. Proposals addressing the political economy implications of the Socio-Ecological Crisis, and including views from the Global South, will be particularly welcome.

[CFP] Conference 2023 – Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group

Following the Global Financial Crisis and the ongoing covid pandemic, alongside the chronic, if intensifying, impacts of environmental degradation and global conflicts, burdens of adjustment are increasingly being consolidated and/or shifted upon those who are already worst placed to live let alone survive the volatilities that have derived from the unprecedentedly inegalitarian tendencies attached to contemporary capitalism. Such developments have been complemented by corresponding vulnerabilities and oppressions, especially where deriving from authoritarian populism, in political and cultural spheres, the severities of which have been disproportionately experienced on the basis of nationality, race, gender, disability and sexual orientation.