Forces and Fractures in the World Economy

International workshop, King’s College London

Macadam Building, room -2.2

Thursday 26 September
Dr Joseph Baines (King’s College London) – “Trading Firms in the Twenty-First Century: The Political Economy of Financialization and Environmental Crisis”
Prof Rubens Sawaya (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo) – “Transnational capital and its power on the Brazilian economic structure”

Dr Claes Belfrage (University of Liverpool), Dr Johannes Jäger (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna), Dr Annina Kaltenbrunner (Leeds University) and Dr Adriana Nilsson (University of Liverpool) – “Monetary dependency, currency internationalization and financialization”
Dr Alexis Saludjian (Federal University Rio de Janeiro) – “Strategies of insertion in the world economy, competitiveness and dependence in post-crisis Latin America”
Dr Roberto Lampa (CONICET, Buenos Aires) – “EU-Mercosur free trade agreement: the logical outcome of liberalizing agendas in the Southern Cone?”

Dr Julian Germann (Sussex) – “A German Europe in a Chinese Century? Mapping Emerging Geographies of Power, Production and Dependency”
Dr Victoria Stadheim (University of Winchester) – “The Eurozone’s imbalances and the role of product specialisation: the case of Portugal”
Dr Thomas F. Purcell (King’s College London) – “The Agrarian Question of Circulation: Chile and the Logistics Revolution in Agriculture” [paper written with Martín Arboleda] Dr Lucia Pradella (King’s College London) – “Bordering the surplus population across the Mediterranean: Imperialism and unfree labour in Libya and the Italian countryside”

Friday 27 September
Prof Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College London) – “Growth models in advanced countries before and after the 2008 crisis: the role of competitiveness, debt and austerity” [paper written with Karsten Kohler and Louis Daumas] Prof Annamaria Simonazzi (La Sapienza, Rome) – “Reinventing Europe: Reforms for EMU survival”
Prof Simona Talani (King’s College London) – “Brexit, Fintech and the Future of the City of London”

Organized by the Contemporary Marxism Research Group and IIPPE’s World Economy Working Group with the support of the Department of European and International Studies (KCL) and the King’s Worldwide Partnership Fund.

Since places are limited if you’d like to participate please email lucia.pradella @

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