18 results for tag: Conference 2017

[CfP] Conference 2017 – Neoliberalism WG – Stream on Industrial Policy

Industrial Policy in the Neoliberalism Era: a powerful tool for (or against) change. Learning from International Practices. One decade ago, the wake of the crisis called for the need of real policy actions in the real economy. In this setting, despite the neo-liberal rhetoric of austerity contrary to any kind of government interference, in many countries we have been witnessing about ten years of industrial policy practices. In the US and in the strongest European industrialised economies, governments decided to intervene with industrial policy plans. Policies with very ambitious goals: to stimulate the whole economy, protect domestic industry, ...

Conference 2017 – Call for panels on the Russian Revolution and the publishing of vol I of Capital

Dear IIPPE members, Interest has been indicated by some members of IIPPE in having panels on the events of two big anniversaries this year, the 100th year anniversary of the Russian revolution and the 150th year anniversary of the publishing of volume I of Capital. This is a call for proposals from people interested in participating in such panels, something like 1) Capital: 150 years later. What has stood the test of time, what is outdated, what was added. 2) 100 years of the Russian Revolution: the impact on the global political economy and economy If you have already submitted a proposal to some Working Group (in particular I would ...

Confronting capitalism: CPERN themes at IIPPE/CPERN/ISA

We are fortunate to have the collective Critical Political Economy Research Network CPERN joining us at the forthcoming IIPPE/CPERN/IPE Conference September 13-15, 2017 Berlin School of Economics and Law CPERN Keynote speaker will be Dr Laura Horn Make sure to select ‘CPERN’ in the category of Working Groups when you submit! Please email Phoebe Moore for questions: p.moore@mdx.ac.uk THEMES (in alphabetical order) Confronting (inherently unstable) capitalism This stream will critically analyse (global) anti-capitalist, anarchist, feminist, cooperative and other movements that both destabilise capitalist tendencies and represent ...

[CfP] Conference 2017 – IPE of the Post-Soviet Space

This is a call to invite proposals to contribute to IIPPE 2017 Berlin (13-15 September) on political economy of the post-Soviet space in a changing global political economy as part of the World Economy Working Group stream. Positioned on the crossings of the empire of capital with its internal competitions and shifting spatial and social boundaries in what used to be USSR, the post-Soviet space is torn by inequalities, economic crises, various forms of conflict, and reinvigorated struggle for geopolitical presence between the Russian empire 2.0 and the new-old west. The aim of this call is to address these complex transformations in a systematised ...

[CfP] Conference 2017 – Agrarian Political Economy – Comparative approaches to the global south

8th Annual Conference in Political Economy ‘The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century’ International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) Berlin Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) September 13-15, 2017, Berlin School of Economics and Law Call for papers in the panel: Agrarian Political Economy – Comparative approaches to the global south A sense of urgency animates the study of agrarian social formations in this conjuncture of multi-layered crises of production, reproduction, politics and ideology. In the wake of failed ...

促进政治经济学国际倡议(IIPPE)第八届年会 中国工作小组论文征集启事

促进政治经济学国际倡议(IIPPE)第八届年会 中国工作小组论文征集启事 (2017 年 9 月 13 日至 15 日,德国柏林) 随着经济危机的深化和收入差距拉大,世界局势日趋动荡,中国经济则持续增长,新丝绸 之路经济带和 21 世纪海上丝绸之路计划正快速实施。 过去几十年,美国对中国的军事围堵,颠覆政策和软实力攻势等措施,未能阻挡中国的增 长,广大发展中国家日益欣赏中国发展模式,确立了更密切的对华关系。 美国新当局对华正酝酿着更为极端的遏制,如拉拢俄罗斯,分化金砖五...

[CfP] Conference 2017 – Social Reproduction WG

8th Annual Conference in Political Economy ‘The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century’ International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) Berlin Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) September 13-15, 2017, Berlin School of Economics and Law Call for papers and activist proposals: Social Reproduction Working Group The newly-established Social Reproduction Working Group brings together scholars and activists interested in addressing the theories and practices of social reproduction, whether as conceptualised in Marxism, as ...

[CfP] Conference 2017 – Social Capital WG

8th International Conference in Political Economy “The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century” Berlin School of Economics and Law, Berlin, Germany September 13-15, 2017 Sponsored by: International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) Berlin Institute for International Political Economy (IPE) Call for Papers – Panel organised by Social Capital Working Group THEME: Can social capital forge bonds and bridge differences to deal with inequalities? Asimina Christoforou, Athens University of Economics and Busines...

[CfP] Conference 2017 – History of Economic thought, Economic Methodology and Critique of the Mainstream WG

Call for Papers “History of Economic Thought, Economic Methodology and Critique of the Mainstream” Working Group 8th Annual IIPPE Conference in Political Economy, Berlin 13-15 September 2017 Classical political economy treated the economy in its wider social and historical context and economic science as a social science with correspondingly important social and historical dimensions. Following the marginalist revolution of the 1870s, the rounded approaches of classical political economy have gradually given way to the asocial and ahistorical approach of neoclassical economics according to which economics is a quantitative and deductive ...

[CfP] Conference 2017 – Neoliberalism WG

IIPPE Neoliberalism WG Call for Papers Annual Conference on International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), Co-organised with the Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN) Conference Theme: ‘The Political Economy of Inequalities and Instabilities in the 21st Century’ Date and Place: September 13-15, 2017 Berlin School of Economics and Law Call for Papers Under Neoliberalism Cluster of IIPPE As a way to dissect and understand processes within contemporary capitalism, the subject of neoliberalism continues to preoccupy many researchers within the field of political economy. Under the Neolibera...