Members Meeting Minutes (London, 2010)

held at the HM Conference, Friday 11 November 2010

1. Attendance

about 25 people

2. 2011 IIPPE Conference in Istanbul, May 20-2.

IIPPE’s Second International Conference in Political Economy will be organised in association with the Turkish Social Sciences Association (TSSA) and the Istanbul University Research Center For Global Politics Administration (GLOPAR) at Istanbul University, Beyazit, between 20-22 May, 2011.

Theme of the conference “Neoliberalism and the Crises of Economic Science”

Call for papers is already out.

The conference is only six months away, with the deadline for submissions of abstracts and session proposals only three months away (15 February), so we need to act promptly in order to make it a success.

  • Publicity (Daniela Tavasci): Call for papers has already been sent to all our members and to all our other lists and institutions.
  • Working groups/streams (Susan Newman): The role of working groups in organising streams played a vital role for the success of the Crete conference. Susan to chase working groups coordinators, some are more active than others, but this should not stop other individuals from organising sessions or streams. If anybody wants to start a working group can do so by emailing us with a proposal following the main guidelines listed on the website. We have about 800 members and we can invite them to follow your working group. A good way is to organise a stream for the conference to see how many people may be interested in your idea.
  • Funding (Elisa van Waeyenberge, Hannah Bargawi, Galip Yalman): There is an application to the British Academy to pay for travel and accommodation for invited speakers. Also our Turkish colleagues are looking for potential sources of funding in Turkey.
  • Scientific Committee: Simon Mohun, Hannah Bargawi, Marco Boffo, Ben Fine, Heesang Jeon, Jo Michell (interchangeably with Nina Kaltenbrunner), Dimitris Milonakis, Susan Newman, Alfredo Saad-Filho, Daniela Tavasci, Korkut Boratav, Oktar Turel, Erinc Yeldan, Galip Yalman, Gulay Gunluk Senesen, Fuat Ercan, Sedat Aybar, Izzettin Onder, Sabri Oncu, Ahmet Hasim Kose, Erol Taymaz, Pinar Bedirhanoglu, Sermin Sarıca, Nuray Ergunes
  • Chair of the Scientific Committee: Simon Mohun
  • Local Organising Committee: Galip Yalman, Fuat Ercan, Sermin Sarıca, Nuray Ergunes, Kivanc Ulusoy, Pinar Bedirhanoglu, Hakan Mihci, Omur Birler, Aysegul Yakar Onal, Sezai Temelli, Ahmet Bekmen

3. Political Economy School/Workshop:

Alfredo Saad-Filho and Simon Mohun in association with Elisa van Waeyenberge are working on the idea of a day school/workshop in political economy targeted mostly at students which might take place either just before the conference or at a different time and place, with London sometime in April being one possibility. Details will be announced once fixed.

4. IIPPE 2012 Conference

One possibility which will be explored is to hold a joint conference in Paris with the Association of Heterodox Economics and the French Association of Political Economy. The idea is make it a big event where we can discuss the future of political economy and heterodox economics.

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