254 results for author: iippe

Macroeconomics: A Critical Companion

By Ben Fine and Ourania Dimakou. Macroeconomics is fundamental to our understanding of how the world functions today. But too often our understanding is based on orthodox, dogmatic analysis. This distinctive book draws upon years of critical questioning and teaching and exposes how macroeconomic theory has evolved from its origins to its current impoverished and extreme state.

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel on Social Policy and Development

IIPPE 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel on Social Policy and Development - ‘Advancing Political Economy Analysis of Social Policy and Development in the Context of Contemporary Neoliberal Capitalist Crisis’ The recent surge over the last decade of research on social policy related issues in the non-OECD countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America has tended to be narrowly focused on targeted social protection and ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Political Economy and Religions Working Group

VII Annual IIPPE Conference Call for Paper Panel on “Economics and Alternative Development Models: the National Differences by the Religions” (Political Economy and Religions Working Group, IIPPE)  The key question of this panel is to analyse the fundamental role of the religions for the formation of new economic and social proposals, polities and indications as reply to the recent recession of the economic-financial crisis began in 2007. The research of this panel will be an cross-cultural, cross-religious and cross-national comparative analysis of various European and world countries; and to understand like this topic can to find concrete ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel for the Greek Economy

IIPPE 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel for the Greek Economy - ‘The Greek economy in front of the 3rd Adjustment Program’ The Greek economy is in crisis for the seventh consecutive year. Since its beginning in 2009, it has already curried the brunt of two Economic Adjustment Programmes (popularly called Memoranda) organised by the EU-ECB-IMF troika and agreed by the Greek political and economic establishment that ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – China Working Group

7th Annual IIPPE Conference Lisbon 7-9 September 2016 The current international crisis of capitalism that began in 2007/2008 has led to a new rise of the left, but also strengthen the far-rightwing movements in Europe, with parallels to the 1930s. The struggle to maintain/challenge dollar hegemony is a central issue of the conflict between the US and other major world powers, especially China. New economic and military alliances are being formed, and US hegemony is being challenged to an extent that tensions between great powers are developing into armed conflicts in some regions of the world, such as in Ukraine, West Asia, and South Sudan. ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group

7th Annual Conference in Political Economy Lisbon 7-9 September 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group Since 2008 neoliberalism has been in crisis across the globe. Signs of this ongoing crisis are evident in the recurrent volatility of global markets, stagnant economic growth and the growing popularity of explicitly anti-neoliberal politicians, parties and movements, all while governments continue to fall back upon traditional staples of neoliberal policies even as they turn to increasingly elaborate measures to reflate the economy. It is in this context that we welcome papers that reflect upon: Neoliberalism and crisis Altern...

6th Congress of the Association française d’économie politique

4-6 July 2016, Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse The Border in Economics While the notion of the invalidation of borders as a feature of globalization is widely disseminated by the media, we may reflect on the preservation, the displacement, the reinforcement or the transformation of barriers to exchange, specially after the diffusion of « information and communications technologies ». This topic of the border will be the central issue at the AFEP Congress, that will be held in Mulhouse, in a region where long-term history was characterized by border problems and border displacements. It will follow two main perpectives. In ...

IIPPE Training Workshop, 21-22 March 2016

The workshop will take place on the 21st and 22nd of March 2016 in V111 (Vernon Square Campus of SOAS). Confirmed speakers include Ourania Dimakou, Sue Himmelweit, Photis Lysandrou, Jo Michell and Simon Mohun. The workshop seeks to unpick the causes of the financial crisis and the way in which the financial crisis transformed into a recession; examines the nature of regulation of the financial markets; offers a feminist appraisal of the economic record of the coalition and conservative governments and assesses the scope for alternative economic policies offered through the Labour leadership.

Decolonizing the Academy 2016, Call for Papers

See the original Call for Papers. For whom do we research Africa and for what purpose? How do our institutions – be they universities, professional networks, or publishing forums – reinforce unequal access to power, opportunities, and knowledge? What are our responsibilities as scholars and teachers to decolonize our work, on individual and collective levels—and how do we do it? How do we connect critical theoretical debates around decolonization with applied best practices and new practices? What future for African Studies does this envisage? These questions are not new. Rather, they remain at the forefront of our academic and professi...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Social Capital Working Group

Social Capital in Context: Crisis, Values and Power Asimina Christoforou, Athens University of Economics and Business Luca Andriani, Birkbeck, University of London Economic models of social capital incorporate cooperative behaviour and trusting relations based on social norms and networks, challenging traditional assumptions of self-interest. Yet these models maintain instrumental, value-free, and individualist principles of rational choice, reducing cooperation, trust and solidarity to a means for satisfying individual preference and ensuring market efficiency. Thus they overlook the influence of the broader social and institutional context ...