254 results for author: iippe

New Book Series – Agenda Publishing

Agenda Publishing are delighted to announce the launch of a new Book Series: Building Progressive Alternatives, edited by David Coates and Matthew Watson The purpose of this series is to provide a space for, and to encourage the production of, high quality academic work by economists, political economists and other social scientists united in a common mission: to use their scholarship to create a coherent, credible and progressive economic growth strategy which, when accompanied by an associated set of wider public policies, can inspire and underpin the revival of a successful centre-left politics in advanced capitalist societies. The fact ...

1st International Conference in Contemporary Social Sciences

Crisis and the Social Sciences: New Challenges and Perspectives Rethymno, 10 - 12 June 2016 Researchers from all fields within the social sciences and related scientific disciplines (including economics, political science, psychology, sociology and social anthropology) are invited to participate. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. For further information, please see Call for Papers and Topics.

Leeds Conference Plenary Talks

Brett Christophers. The Great Leveler - Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law Gary A. Dymski. How to engage with the global crisis - The shape of jazz to come Johnna Montgomerie. Why Debts Matter : how interdisciplinarity helps us rethink economics Leda Maria Paulani. The End of Neo-Developmentalism - The Brazilian Experience between 2003 and 2014 Ania Skrzypek. From Rhetoric of Overspending to the Truth about Social Investments. European Next Left in a Search for a New Narrative Bruno Tinel. FAPE and the Open Letter John Weeks. Troglodyte Economics - the neoclassical politicising of ...

Council Meeting Minutes (September 2015)

Annual General Meeting (Leeds, 2015)

IIPPE Training Workshop, 4 November, SOAS

The International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) announces its next Training Workshop at SOAS (Vernon Square campus, Room V111), London on 4 November 2015 (registration from 9.30am). In the morning session, (10am to 1pm), Simon Mohun will survey the Marxist approach to the workings of a capitalist economy. In the afternoon session (2pm to 5pm) Alfredo Saad-Filho will survey Marxist approaches to the theory of crisis.

IIPPE (pre-conference) Training Workshop on the Rate of Profit and Crisis

The International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) announces a one-day training workshop on the rate of profit and crisis. This will take place on the day before IIPPE’s Annual Conference. Date and venue: Tuesday 8 September 2015 (9.30am registration opens for prompt 10am start to 5.30pm) at the University of Leeds (room tba) The workshop will be led by Simon Mohun and Alfredo Saad-Filho, and will focus on the political economy of the rate of profit and crisis, including both theoretical overview and application. As ever, we are seeking an audience of engaged participants, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, ...

IIPPE Training Workshop on the Political Economy of Finance

The International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) announces a one-day training workshop on the political economy of finance, financialization and financial crisis. Date and venue: Monday 22 June 2015 (9.30am registration opens for prompt 10am start to 5.30pm) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Vernon Square Campus (Room V111), Vernon Square, Penton Rise, London, WC1X 9EW The workshop will be led by Simon Mohun and Photis Lysandrou, and will focus on the Marxist theory of finance, contemporary accounts of financialization and the causes of the financial crisis of 2007-8. We are seeking an audience of engaged ...

Naples Conference Plenary Talks

Trevor Evans. Economic Stagnation and Social Polarization in the Eurozone. Francisco Louçã. Restructuring Public Debt and Taming Finance. Anastasia Nesvetailova. A Crisis of the Overcrowded Future? Shadow Banking and the Political Economy of Financial Innovation. Anwar Shaikh. Profitability, Long Waves and the Recurrence of General Crises. Euclid Tsakalotos. Conventional and Non-conventional Aspects of SYRIZA’s

Ben Fine – Introduction to Marxist Economics

via The Post-Crash Economics Society On the 4th of February 2014 we were lucky to have the Marxist economist Ben Fine from SOAS University in London for the fifth instalment of the series. Fine is one of the UK’s best known Marxists and has authored and co-authored a number of books on the subject, including an introduction to Marx’s capital. Marxist economics is often misunderstood or even scoffed at because of its perceived political implications. However, with the global economy in crisis, some believe it’s now hard not to take seriously many of the things Marx wrote about capitalism’s systemic tendency toward catastrophe. According to ...