9 results for tag: Conference 2016

[CfP] Conference 2016 – The political economy of Portugal

The political economy of Portugal: social relations in times of austerity, European integration, and alternatives While Greece and Spain have been in the spotlight of debates about the crisis and alternatives to austerity, the case of Portugal has received far less attention from academia, the media and the left. In 2011, Portugal was the third European country to request an external bailout from the EC, IMF and ECB. The Memorandum of Understanding with the Troika set out to restructure a broad range of social relations in Portugal, and beyond cuts in fiscal expenditure, this was done through alterations in the regime for collective bargaining and ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Marxist Political Economy Working Group

International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 From 2007 onwards, the world economy is undergoing the most severe and prolonged period of crises and depression in the post-war era, but mainstream economics only reveals its incapability of analysing what is going on, not to mention proposing effective policy prescriptions and alternatives. While Marxist political economy duly attracts much attention in this situation, ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel on Industrial Policy

IIPPE 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel on Industrial Policy ‘Industrial Policy: International Practices and the Rhetoric of Neoliberalism' In many countries “industrial policy” has been banned for several decades from the public debate. For many years it has been labelled as an anachronistic, inefficient and ineffective practice. These were years of anti-government consensus: government was declared "the ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Agrarian Change Working Group

IIPPE 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 Call for Papers: Agrarian Change Working Group ‘Agrarian Political Economy: making sense of land, labour and capital dynamics in times of crisis’ In a year with a strong El Niño, droughts and floods have accentuated the crisis of reproduction and unveiled the fragility of agricultural systems across the globe. The sluggish recovery from the 2007- 2008 financial crisis, the slowing down of Chinese demand and the ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Poverty Working Group

The economic crisis that started in 2007 has become the deepest global contraction since the 1930s, and the economic recovery has been the slowest and weakest on record. The costs of the crisis include a wave of unemployment and poverty that has only built on top on already existing pauperised working people. A whole generation, especially the youth, has been blighted by the crisis, which has had devastating consequences for hundreds of millions of people across the world. Austerity policies of unprecedented depth and severity have contributed decisively to this grim picture, and within Europe, Greek and Spanish governments leading the way. The ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel on Social Policy and Development

IIPPE 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel on Social Policy and Development - ‘Advancing Political Economy Analysis of Social Policy and Development in the Context of Contemporary Neoliberal Capitalist Crisis’ The recent surge over the last decade of research on social policy related issues in the non-OECD countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America has tended to be narrowly focused on targeted social protection and ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Political Economy and Religions Working Group

VII Annual IIPPE Conference Call for Paper Panel on “Economics and Alternative Development Models: the National Differences by the Religions” (Political Economy and Religions Working Group, IIPPE)  The key question of this panel is to analyse the fundamental role of the religions for the formation of new economic and social proposals, polities and indications as reply to the recent recession of the economic-financial crisis began in 2007. The research of this panel will be an cross-cultural, cross-religious and cross-national comparative analysis of various European and world countries; and to understand like this topic can to find concrete ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel for the Greek Economy

IIPPE 7th International Conference in Political Economy ‘Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences’ School of Economics & Management, University of Lisbon, Portugal September 7-9, 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group – Panel for the Greek Economy - ‘The Greek economy in front of the 3rd Adjustment Program’ The Greek economy is in crisis for the seventh consecutive year. Since its beginning in 2009, it has already curried the brunt of two Economic Adjustment Programmes (popularly called Memoranda) organised by the EU-ECB-IMF troika and agreed by the Greek political and economic establishment that ...

[CfP] Conference 2016 – Neoliberalism Working Group

7th Annual Conference in Political Economy Lisbon 7-9 September 2016 Call for Papers: Neoliberalism Working Group Since 2008 neoliberalism has been in crisis across the globe. Signs of this ongoing crisis are evident in the recurrent volatility of global markets, stagnant economic growth and the growing popularity of explicitly anti-neoliberal politicians, parties and movements, all while governments continue to fall back upon traditional staples of neoliberal policies even as they turn to increasingly elaborate measures to reflate the economy. It is in this context that we welcome papers that reflect upon: Neoliberalism and crisis Altern...