Leeds Conference Plenary Talks

Brett ChristophersThe Great Leveler – Capitalism and Competition in the Court of Law

Download (PDF, Christophers-IIPPE-paper.pdf)

Gary A. DymskiHow to engage with the global crisis – The shape of jazz to come

Download (PDF, Dymski-IIPPE-keynote-as-presented.pdf)

Johnna MontgomerieWhy Debts Matter : how interdisciplinarity helps us rethink economics

Download (PDF, Montgomerie-Why-Debts-Matter.pdf)

Leda Maria PaulaniThe End of Neo-Developmentalism – The Brazilian Experience between 2003 and 2014

Download (PDF, Paulani-The-end-of-Neo-Developmentalism-em-Leeds.pdf)

Ania SkrzypekFrom Rhetoric of Overspending to the Truth about Social Investments. European Next Left in a Search for a New Narrative

Download (PDF, Skrzypek-2015-09-08-Leeds-talk.pdf)

Bruno Tinel. FAPE and the Open Letter

Download (PDF, 20150911-Tinel-IIPPE-plenary.pdf)

John WeeksTroglodyte Economics – the neoclassical politicising of the profession

Download (PDF, Weeks_IIPPE15.pdf)

Yuan Yang. Rethinking Economics – the Fight to Demystify, Diversify, and Invigorate Economics

Download (PDF, 20150911-Yuan-closing-plenary-at-IIPPE-.pdf)

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