254 results for author: iippe
[CFP] Conference 2022 – Social Capital Working Group
What else can society do to deal with these challenges? Cooperation and solidarity among social groups across the globe may be crucial in discussing these issues and suggesting solutions. Thus, we invite contributions that examine alternative ways to analyse social forces dynamics that these crises of the 21st centuries have mobilized.
Pre-call: 2022 Conference
Dear IIPPE member,
It is now 2022 – time to start thinking about our Annual Conference in September, 2022. Under normal conditions we start thinking about the next Annual Conference from the time of the previous one, and send out an initial Call for papers in November. But of course, we are not in normal times.
Current scientific predications indicate that it is possible that the world takes the first steps in a process of a return to “normality” after this spring. On the other hand, that is definitely not assured, especially if by then the virus mutates again into some new highly contagious form.
So this is a pre-Call communication to ...
[Joint CFP] Conference 2021 – Neoliberalism and PE of Religion WGs
This panel will discuss the intersecting dynamics between neoliberalism, Marxist-influenced discourses, and the praxis of religion’s progressive stream particularly in the Global South. It aims to understand the legacy of capitalist development under colonialism and explore how countries witnessed constant tensions and overlap between neoliberalism, political religion, and domestic capitalist interests. We want to analyse structural transformation that led to agrarian dispossession and uneven industrialisation resulted in the rise of urban and rural proletariat, and more recently, various policies that may further entrench the neoliberal agenda of deregulation and capital accumulation in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.
[Joint CFP] Conference 2021 – Urban and Regional PE and Neoliberalism WGs
The Urban and Regional Political Economy and Neoliberalism working groups of IIPPE welcome contributions on the theme of how neoliberalism is transforming cities. We are especially interested in papers linking urban political economy and financial geography. The new relationship between local governments, national states and financial markets is taking different forms in different geographies under neoliberalism, resulting in high financial risks and a significant change in the structure of local and national governments.
[CFP] Conference 2021 – Urban and Regional PE Working Group
We seek papers on any aspect of the political economy of localities and regions (sub-national territories), both rural and urban, and both Majority and Minority Worlds. Papers may be either purely theoretical or theorised empirical studies. We seek papers both on processes/relations within localities and regions and on processes/relations linking these scales to national and international scales.
[CFP] Conference 2021 – Political Economy and Religions Working Group
Basically, we try to give an answer to the following questions: what are the religious roots, considered as the basis of the economic conception and of the capitalism of its logic and of its history? What are the reasons of the abandon of values and of the religious elements made by economy started from the middle of the XIX century, after the sunset of the civil-religious economy of the European enlightenment reformism? What are the proposals, the suggestions and the directions that the religions can give to the global capitalistic economy with their thoughts and politics, in a period of constant religious growth and where the structural crisis of the capitalism and the disparity among social classes, people and Nations increases?
[CFP] Conference 2021 – World Economy Working Group
Movements for social and racial justice, however, cannot succeed without defeating the mutating virus of imperialism. This also means challenging the racialised capitalist hierarchy of vaccine development, manufacturing, licensing and dispensation administered via the World Health Organization and marketised global knowledge, rights, and health regimes. And it requires addressing the capitalist destruction of nature and deepening processes of resource extraction responsible for climate catastrophe and rising global hunger.
Call for Documentary/Activist Films, Video Art Projects and Activist Talks
The Committee on Activism programme will run in parallel with the academic conference and is open to a variety of formats, including film screenings, discussions, performances or more conventional academic papers. We are looking for projects and initiatives that offer a critical engagement with economics and capitalism, including but not limited to ecological, decolonial, feminist, labour, migrant and marginalised perspectives. Work that deals with the Covid crisis and its multiple repercussions in social, political and environmental spheres is also encouraged.
[CFP] Conference 2021 – Dedicated panel on ‘Populism, Sovereignty and Class Politics’
Despite more than a decade of capitalist stagnation, the anti-capitalist left and the trade unions have not made persistent gains in any global north state. Instead, resistance has emerged in more sporadic political directions, with persistent anti- establishment grievances and demands for the accountability of state power. These themes were initially exploited by. leftists like Syriza and Podemos, but latterly have often been exploited in by right-populist. political entrepreneurs. A cross-cutting theme has been sovereigntism, the assertion of the primacy of the political sphere. over the free play of market forces.
[CFP] Conference 2021 – Panel on ‘Class, nation, and the breakup of Britain’
The United Kingdom was central to the economics and geopolitics of the era of neoliberal globalisation. However, the breakdown of New Labour and the effects of austerity has led to a wrenching and persistent crisis of the state form, ranging from Brexit to Scottish independence referendum(s) to new contestation over Northern Irish borders. Central to this process has been the failure of the traditional centre-left to discipline working class voters to the status quo. With the possibility of a new Scottish referendum, this panel will analyse and discuss the implications of the crisis of the British state.