[Joint CFP] Conference 2021 – Neoliberalism and PE of Religion WGs
11TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN POLITICAL ECONOMY September 12-19, 2021 / Online Conference
Neoliberalism Working Group and Political Economy and Religions Working Group
Call for papers for dedicated panel on ‘Neoliberalism and Political Economy of Religion’
Deadline for submissions of abstracts: 15 May, 2021
This panel will discuss the intersecting dynamics between neoliberalism, Marxist-influenced discourses, and the praxis of religion’s progressive stream particularly in the Global South. It aims to understand the legacy of capitalist development under colonialism and explore how countries witnessed constant tensions and overlap between neoliberalism, political religion, and domestic capitalist interests. We want to analyse structural transformation that led to agrarian dispossession and uneven industrialisation resulted in the rise of urban and rural proletariat, and more recently, various policies that may further entrench the neoliberal agenda of deregulation and capital accumulation in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout this changing context, religion as a social force, such as Islam, is often used as a discursive and mobilisational strategy to sustain bourgeois nationalism and pro-market paradigm. The common typology in response to the said contradictions of capitalist development are Liberal Islam, Fundamentalist Islam, and Moderate Islam. However, these three paradigms have failed to provide a strong analysis to capitalist crisis, trapped in the dilemma between reactionary violence and uncritical acceptance of the status quo. Progressive stream in religion, including Progressive Islam offers a critical lens to respond to this impasse by converging Marxist political economy with Islamic values of social justice while remain grounded in some country’s cultural aspects. The panel will explore neoliberalism in the global South as well as Marxist political economy discourses within religious organisations and progressive social movements.
IMPORTANT: When submitting your abstract for consideration for the panel, please clearly write the name of the panel (above) in the abstract. When asked to select which working group the proposal is relevant for, please tick the box for it to be considered by the NEOLIBERALISM WORKING GROUP. This will ensure it is sent to the right people for review.
To submit your abstract, please visit: http://iippe.org/iippe-annual-conferences/11th- annual-conference-in-political-economy/. The deadline for proposals is 15 May 2021. All other deadline dates are stated in the Electronic Proposal Form instructions.
For general information about IIPPE, its Working Groups, and the Conference, visit http://iippe.org/.
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