[CfP] Conference 2022 – World Economy Working Group

IIPPE World Economy Working Group calls for contributions analyzing the causes and the economic, social, political and environmental impacts of the multiple crises the world is facing to draw lessons for storming the world economy and building our common future beyond capital.

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Political Economy of Industrial Development Working Group

The Political Economy of Industrial Development (PEID) Working Group invites proposals for individual papers or panels on the theme of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development. Proposals addressing the issue of a Socio-Ecological Crisis will be particularly welcome.

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Neoliberalism Working Group

The Neoliberalism WG brings together researchers interested in the material basis of neoliberalism, its national varieties, and alternatives to it. For the IIPPE Conference 2022, we invite researchers working on themes at the forefront of studies in neoliberalism to submit papers to our panels and streams.

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – China Working Group

China’s continuous economic growth and the preservation of lives and health of the population during the pandemic contrast sharply with the falling living standards and decline in life expectancy in the Global North. Is China’s plan for industrial upgrading and common prosperity a challenge to neoliberal capitalism? What are the impacts of China’s continuous development on world capitalism and on the shape of the international order? What lessons can be drawn from China’s zero-Covid strategy in combating present and future socio-ecological crises?

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Teaching Political Economy Working Group

Whilst the need for diversifying economics curriculum and social sciences at large has been articulated by both academics and student movements alike, there are a wide range of issues linked to pedagogy, teaching methods and practices that will contribute to an under investigated but vitally important aspect of our political economy community. Further, and linked, are questions of gender representation, with the undergraduate economics student populations dominated by male students and women under-represented in academic economics positions in the UK and across Europe, highlighting the need for teaching to foster access and inclusivity for the next generation of economists.

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Agrarian Change Working Group

IIPPE 22nd Annual Conference, 7-9 September 2022, Bologna, Italy Call for papers and panel proposals: Agrarian Change Working Group A sense of urgency animates the study of agrarian social formations in this conjuncture of (post?)-pandemic restructuring, the global climate emergency, continued extractivism, and the very real threat of trade-based food security crisis. A multi-layered crisis of production, reproduction, environment, politics and ideology is unfolding as neoliberal capitalism continues to fail to deliver on its promises. For some years&...

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Political Economy and Law Working Group

Law plays an integral role in the configuration of variegated and actually existing manifestations of capitalist processes across the globe, such as those associated with socio-ecological crises, rising precarities and inequalities, the governance of debt, austerity, financialization, technology and others. With this inaugural call for papers for the new IIPPE Working Group on Political Economy and Law, we invite submissions to this year’s IIPPE conference that focus on the intertwinement of political economy and law, to consider the following overarching question, particularly as it pertains to socio-ecological crisis and transformation: What is the law and how does it shape - and being shaped by - capitalist processes and relations?

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Urban and Regional PE Working Group

We seek papers on any aspect of the political economy of localities and regions (sub-national territories), both rural and urban, and both Majority and Minority Worlds. Papers may be either purely theoretical or theorised empirical studies. We seek papers both on processes/relations within localities and regions and on processes/relations linking these scales to national and international scales.

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Africa Working Group

The Africa working group regularly contributes to the IIPPE annual conference to bring together activists and scholars of Africa, and those in other IIPPE working groups, who share an interest in radical approaches to political economy, acknowledging the social relations in capitalism and often with a critical Marxist perspective.

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[CFP] Conference 2022 – Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group

All members of IIPPE will have seen the general Call for the Conference that went out last week. This is a reinforcing Call for submissions to the Moving Beyond Capitalism WG of either individual papers or pre-formed panels on any topic concerned with moving beyond capitalism, that is, with building a better world.

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