[CFP] Conference 2022 – Africa Working Group

12th Annual IIPPE Conference: Africa working group call for papers

Socio-Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of Sustainability 

7 – 9 September 2022, Bologna, Italy 

IIPPE calls for submissions to its 2022 annual conference, particularly welcoming papers directly related to the core themes of the socio-ecological crisis of contemporary capitalism, and the political economy of sustainability.

As always, presentations on all aspects of political economy are also welcome. The Africa working group regularly contributes to the IIPPE annual conference to bring together activists and scholars of Africa, and those in other IIPPE working groups, who share an interest in radical approaches to political economy, acknowledging the social relations in capitalism and often with a critical Marxist perspective (visit here for more information: http://iippe.org/working-groups/africa-working-group/). 

The Africa Working Group is supported by the Review of African Political Economy, whose contributions are based on politically engaged scholarship from a range of disciplines. The journal pays particular attention to the political economy of inequality, exploitation, oppression, and to struggles against them, whether driven by global forces or local ones such as class, race, community and gender. It sustains a critical analysis of the nature of power and the state in Africa in the context of capitalist globalisation. Please visit roape.net to see some of the Review’s more fast-moving analysis in areas including: critical agrarian studies, 21st century imperialism, popular protest and class struggle, debt and debates around poverty statistics, and the legacy of Walter Rodney. 

The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 April 2022.

Submissions may be made as: (a) proposals for individual papers, (b) proposals for panels or streams of panels, (c) proposals on activism. 

To submit a proposal, please go to the following

link: https://whova.com/portal/registration/iippe_202209/

This link will take you to the registration page on our conference platform, Whova, which administers the proposals in the form of issuing a ‘ticket’. On the first page, please change the quantity of ticket to 1 and then click ‘next’ to proceed. On the second page, fill in the required information and submit your abstract/proposal.

Please ensure that you select the Africa working group when you submit the proposal. 

If you interested in submitting a panel or wish to discuss a paper proposal, please contact the working group coordinators: Hannah Cross h.cross@westminster.ac.uk, and Elisa Greco eligreco@yahoo.com.

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