254 results for author: iippe
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Financialisation Working Group
How does financialisation relate to the rising trend of populism across globe? What differences can be observed in developed and developing economies? How can finance and financialisation be addressed in the current context of neoliberalism? Is there an underlying causal relationship between the rising importance of finance in the world economy and neoliberalism as a set of social, economic and political policy agenda? What are the future prospects for the world economy given the primary role of finance? How can appropriate economic and social policies be designed to capture such prominence and its implications?
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Political Economy and Religions Working Group
Basically, we try to give an answer to the following questions: what are the religious roots, considered as the basis of the economic conception and of the capitalism of its logic and of its history? What are the reasons of the abandon of values and of the religious elements made by economy started from the middle of the XIX century, after the sunset of the civil-religious economy of the European enlightenment reformism? What are the proposals, the suggestions and the directions that the religions can give to the global capitalistic economy with their thoughts and politics, in a period of constant religious growth and where the structural crisis of the capitalism and the disparity among social classes, people and Nations increases?
[CFP] Conference 2020 – China Working Group
The Political Economy of China’s Development Working Group invites you to submit proposals for individual papers or themed panels related to our lines of inquiry of China’s transformation and its impact on world development in relation to neoliberalism, capitalism and imperialism.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Urban and Regional PE/Neoliberalism Working Groups
The Urban and Regional Political Economy and Neoliberalism working groups of IIPPE welcome contributions on the theme of how neoliberalism is transforming cities. We are especially interested in papers linking urban political economy and financial geography. The new relationship between local governments and financial markets is taking different forms in different geographies under neoliberalism, resulting in high financial risks and a significant change in the structure of local governments.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Agrarian Change Working Group
As the crisis of neoliberal capitalism deepens and rightwing populisms engage in a sustained effort to keep the show on the road by mobilizing pseudo-nationalism and racist discourses, a sense of urgency animates the study of agrarian social formations in this conjuncture of multi-layered crises of production, reproduction, environment, politics and ideology.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Agrarian Change/Social Reproduction Working Groups
The Agrarian Change and Social Reproduction Working Groups invite proposals for individual papers or panels in a joint stream at IIPPE 2020 Annual Conference (Ferrara, Italy, 9-11 September). These may include theoretical and empirical contributions that focus primarily on the deployment of a social reproduction lens to consider agrarian questions. Contributions that address these questions in the context of (alternatives to) neoliberalism and populism are strongly welcome owing to the overarching conference theme.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Africa/Social Reproduction Working Groups
The Africa and Social Reproduction Working Groups invite proposals for individual papers or panels in a joint stream at IIPPE's 2020 Annual Conference (Ferrara, Italy, 9-11 September). The conference this year focuses on ‘moving beyond neoliberalism and populism’ and on ‘building progressive policies and alliances for our societies and economies’.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Agrarian Change/Africa Working Groups
In bringing together the interests and focus of both groups, we welcome papers and panels that relate to: theoretical and methodological questions concerning agrarian change and land questions in Africa; food regimes, agro-industry and projects of food sovereignty; labour and migration in and from rural settings; social relations of production and reproduction; class dynamics and the political economy of inequality and exploitation, whether by gender, race, ethnicity, region or other social oppressions.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Health/Africa Working Groups
Our working groups are collaborating to promote the need for more political economy work on the broad issue of Health and Healthcare in the African context, as to date in many areas of health, work from a political economy perspective has been lacking.
[CFP] Conference 2020 – Neoliberalism Working Group
The working group welcomes contributions in all areas of research related to neoliberalism as outlined above. In 2020 there is also a particular interest in papers which speak to the following specific themes: (1) Recent leftist electoral efforts to break with neoliberalism – and their limits – such as ‘Corbynism’ in the UK and aftermath of the 2019 election.; (2) Neoliberalism and its relation to authoritarianism, populism, nativism and nationalism, including the right-wing political and economic coalitions that may attempt to break with neoliberalism; (3) Race and neoliberalism, including the relations between ethnicity, nationality, migration and neoliberal capitalism.