IIPPE Training Workshops
Continuing its Training Workshops programme, the International Initiative for the Promotion of Political Economy (IIPPE) announces TWO forthcoming training workshops.
1. Monday June 9 at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London: a one-day workshop on The Political Economy of Finance.
Confirmed speakers include Simon Mohun and Tony Norfield. The morning will focus on productive and unproductive labour, and then what Marx had to say about interest and the rate of interest. The afternoon will focus on the relevance of the contribution of Hilferding, followed by a critical survey of some contemporary approaches to financial appropriation, against the empirical backdrop of the importance of finance in the contemporary world.
We seek an audience of undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior academics and activists, who have a particular interest in acquainting themselves with the relevance of Marxian political economy to the world of finance.
If you wish to apply to attend this workshop, please send a note to that effect, before Monday 2 June with your name and occupation/affiliation, to Serap Saritas <548340@soas.ac.uk> (This workshop has a small amount of financial support from the Amiel and Melburn Trust to cover reasonable travel costs within the UK from outside London.)
2. Monday 15 September at the Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Naples, Italy (the day before the IIPPE Annual Conference in Naples): a one-day workshop on The Political Economy of Value and Price.
Confirmed speakers include Simon Mohun and Marco Veronese Passarella. The morning will focus on the labour theory of value and Marx’s account of the formation of prices of production. The afternoon will focus on some contemporary Marxist approaches to value and price.
We are seeking an audience of undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior academics and activists, who could be attending the IIPPE Annual Conference, and have a particular interest in acquainting themselves with some of the basic principles of Marxian political economy and its controversies. If you wish to apply to attend for this workshop, please send, before 15 August 2014, your name and occupation/affiliation, to s.mohun@qmul.ac.uk.
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