3 results for tag: conference 2014
[IIPPE 2014] Neoliberalism Working Group
Call for Papers for 5th IIPPE Conference
16-18 September 2014
(University of Naples, Italy)
Alfredo Saad Filho (SOAS, University of London, UK)
Kean Birch (York University, Toronto, Canada)
The theme of the 5th IIPPE Conference is “Scholarship, Policies, Conflicts and Alternatives” (seehttp://iippe.org/wp/). Neoliberalism occupies a central position within this field, and the IIPPE Neoliberalism Working Group will be organising a stream of papers for presentation at the Conference. Submissions are invited on and around the following areas:
Neoliberal economic policies and policy alternatives.
Global neoliberalism, international ...
[IIPPE 2014] Economy and Religions in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Proposed Panel
Call for Papers
“Economy and Religions in Historical and Contemporary Perspectives: Crisis of Capitalism, Ethics and Development”.
In light of the challenges that contemporary economy and society launches, this Panel aims to analyzes the primary role played by Religions – especially Christianity, Protestantism and Islam – for the formation of an alternative thought in the context of European history form the sixteenth century to the present day. The study of this topic, means the study of essential elements: such as to illuminate the roots of the concrete-historical and foundational aspects of Ethical Economy characterized ...
[IIPPE 2014] Minerals and Energy Complex and Comparative Industrialisation Working Group
Deadlines for Both Panel Calls
20 March 2014: Deadline for abstracts (maximum of 500 words) to be considered for the proposed panels
Abstracts submitted via the electronic form at www.iippe.org before the 1st April may also be considered. Please visit www.iippe.org for further information on the conference including deadlines
1 May 2014: Author notification concerning acceptance
1 September 2014: Deadline for submission of full paper
MECCI Panel 1 - Emerging conflicts in response to the crisis in extractive accumulation and Alternatives
Submission for internal call: Samantha Ashman (pdf5@uj.ac.za) & Basani Baloyi (bbasibal@yahoo...