IIPPE Africa – Imperialism and indigenous capital, Sylvester Akhaine – postponed until further notice

With apologies, this has been postponed due to travel complications, but we will reschedule - please contact h.cross@westminster.ac.uk for further information.        

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[CfP] Conference 2015 – Financialisation Working Group

Over the last three decades developed and developing economies have gone through significant structural transformations under the ever increasing influence of finance. In the critical political economy framework, the resultant mode of accumulation, and its corresponding social effects, have been analysed under the heading of financialisation and neoliberalism.  Whether the financial crisis that started in 2007-8 was the end or only an interruption to financialisation and/or neoliberalism, its costs are still borne by governments and the general public. Moreover, this ...

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Naples Conference Plenary Talks

Trevor Evans. Economic Stagnation and Social Polarization in the Eurozone. Francisco Louçã. Restructuring Public Debt and Taming Finance. Anastasia Nesvetailova. A Crisis of the Overcrowded Future? Shadow Banking and the Political Economy of Financial Innovation. Anwar Shaikh. Profitability, Long Waves and the Recurrence of General Crises. Euclid Tsakalotos. Conventional and Non-conventional Aspects of SYRIZA’s

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Ben Fine – Introduction to Marxist Economics

via The Post-Crash Economics Society On the 4th of February 2014 we were lucky to have the Marxist economist Ben Fine from SOAS University in London for the fifth instalment of the series. Fine is one of the UK’s best known Marxists and has authored and co-authored a number of books on the subject, including an introduction to Marx’s capital. Marxist economics is often misunderstood or even scoffed at because of its perceived political implications. However, with the global economy in crisis, some believe it’s now hard not to take seriously many of the things Marx ...

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Public discussion on the political economy of food consumption and production

One day training workshop in Marxist Political Economy, UWE, Bristol, 21 January

IIPPE is holding its first Training Workshop in the West of England. The workshop will take place at the University of the West of England, Frenchay Campus in Bristol from 9.45am to 5pm on Wednesday 21st January 2015. Simon Mohun will give an Introduction to Marx’s Political Economy in the morning session. The session begins with a brief outline of the method of historical materialism, and then introduces Marx’s labour theory of value in a perspective that emphasises its applicability to the contemporary world. The primary focus is an explanation of the origin of ...

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Training Workshops in Athens

Workshop on: "Marxist theory of Value and Profit, Financialization and Crisis" by Prof. Simon Mohun (Emeritus Professor of Political Economy, Queen Mary University of London) 9-11 December 2014 National Kapodistrian University of Athens Three lectures and discussion on: Value and Price: December 9th Value and Profit: December 10th Financialization and Crisis: December 11th All lectures will take place at 15 Evripidou Street (6th floor) and will commence at 18:00. Theme: The division of Political Economy of the Department of Economics is registering broad ...

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Frederic S. Lee (1949-2014): A Tribute

IIPPE in Brief Issue No. 12 by Ioana Negru Frederic Sterling Lee passed away on October 23, 2014, having been diagnosed with stage 4- lung-cancer earlier this year. The heterodox community has lost a prominent economist and scholar as well as a supportive colleague and mentor for younger generations of heterodox economists. In “How I became a Heterodox economist”, Fred Lee explains how he was predestined to become a dissenting economist. The family backgrounds of both his parents together with his father’s interests in pressing economic and social issues as ...

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Uncalculated Risks

IIPPE in Brief Issue No. 12 by Vicki Zhang The recent financial crisis has re-opened discussions among economists regarding the epistemology and validity of orthodox economic theories being taught in universities. Consequently, some economics departments, after many decades of focusing on mathematical drilling, started to reintroduce pluralistic economic theories - largely in the form of courses on economic history and thought. However, the same intellectual inquiries have not occurred in specialized undergraduate finance programmes. As someone who teaches undergra...

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November Started Hot in Greece

IIPPE in Brief Issue No. 12 by George Labrinidis A huge demonstration took place in Athens on the 1st of November. Given that demonstrations are not uncommon in Greece (20,120 recorded demonstrations between May 2010 and March 2014), one might question the significance of this one. I would like to argue that this demonstration was special. To begin with, it is an initiative of PAME (All Workers Militant Front) that is supported by hundreds of unions (over 1000 unions signed the call to demonstrate and declared participation). PAME is a trade union front established ...

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