Naples Conference Plenary Talks
Trevor Evans. Economic Stagnation and Social Polarization in the Eurozone.
Download (PDF, Evans-IIPPE-Naples-Sep-14.pdf)
Francisco Louçã. Restructuring Public Debt and Taming Finance.Download (PDF, Naples_sept_2014.pdf)
Anastasia Nesvetailova. A Crisis of the Overcrowded Future? Shadow Banking and the Political Economy of Financial Innovation.
Download (PDF, the-crisis-of-overcrowded-future-naples.pdf)
Anwar Shaikh. Profitability, Long Waves and the Recurrence of General Crises.Download (PDF, Profitability-Long-Waves-Crises.pdf)
Euclid Tsakalotos. Conventional and Non-conventional Aspects of SYRIZA’sDownload (PDF, SYRIZA-AES-Napoli.pdf)