IIPPE Training Workshop, 4 November, SOAS

Vernon Square Campus, Penton Rise, London WC1X 9EW

The International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) announces its next Training Workshop at SOAS (Vernon Square campus, Room V111), London on 4 November 2015 (registration from 9.30am). In the morning session, (10am to 1pm), Simon Mohun will survey the Marxist approach to the workings of a capitalist economy. In the afternoon session (2pm to 5pm) Alfredo Saad-Filho will survey Marxist approaches to the theory of crisis.

This Workshop is introductory in scope and will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior academics and activists who have a particular interest in acquainting themselves with the relevance of Marxian political economy to the contemporary world.

If you wish to attend this workshop, please send a note to that effect as soon as possible to Simon Mohun.

This workshop has a small amount of financial support from the Amiel and Melburn Trust, and IIPPE can cover travel costs of up to £75 per person from outside London but within the UK.

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