[CFP] Conference 2021 – Urban and Regional PE Working Group
11th Annual Conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), 12-19 September 2021
The Urban and Regional Working Group of the IIPPE calls for submission of abstracts for a stream on Urban and Regional Political Economy at the online IIPPE Conference, September 12-19, 2021 (online), following the successful streams at IIPPE conferences since 2010. We seek papers on any aspect of the political economy of localities and regions (sub-national territories), both rural and urban, and both Majority and Minority Worlds. Papers may be either purely theoretical or theorised empirical studies. We seek papers both on processes/relations within localities and regions and on processes/relations linking these scales to national and international scales. Possible fields include:-
- the roles of the local and national state in urban development, including new forms of urban entrepreneurialism, new municipalism, the state as a developer
- climate adaptation and local state restructuring
- social reproduction within localities, including domestic work, commodity consumption, and local private and public services;
- the interactions between production and social reproduction within localities, and the production of class, gender and racial/ethnic relations and of working class cultures between these two spheres;
- construction of, and investment in, the built environment, and markets in the accumulated stock of buildings, including both commercial premises, housing and physical infrastructures;
- financialisation of urban space and nature, and impacts of money capital (finance) on the above processes, and vice versa;
- the production of the formal and informal city, and the relationship between the two;
- struggles of the working class, social and territorial movements around any of the above issues.
Papers should be within Marxist or critical political-economy, and approach the issues from the point of view of the labouring classes, peasants and/or oppressed people. We invite paper that address either or the Global South and the Global North.
If you have further questions related to the Urban and Regional Working Group, please contact the coordinators by sending an email to:
Ozlem Celik, University of Helsinki (ozlem.celik@helsinki.fi)
Angus McNelly a.mcnelly@qmul.ac.uk
Submit a paper or panel proposal
The process for submitting proposals will be largely identical to our standard procedure, and can be accessed through the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3_78yQu4jJHJHteokZ1nje4Gonr6MNYd7zn-2rhT_uF-JHg/viewform
The Electronic Proposal Form (EPF) will be opened on the IIPPE website (www.iippe.org) on April 15. As usual, submissions may be made as (a) proposals for individual papers (which IIPPE will group into panels), (b) proposals for panels, (c) proposals for streams of panels, or (d) proposals on activism. The EPF will be closed on May 15, and notification of acceptances will be sent out by May 31. Full details of the call for papers for this year’s IIPPE conference are copied below.
Important, please note: please select the Urban and Regional Political Economy Working Group when you make your submission.
11th Annual IIPPE Conference, 12-19 September 2021 – General information
The Pandemic and the Future of Capitalism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies
September 12-19, 2021 / Online Conference
Given the continuation of the COVID pandemic, this year’s IIPPE Annual Conference will be online. As we will not all be in one place we will have an issue of time zones. To address this issue and simultaneously to reduce the number of panels at any one time, we plan to have two sessions of parallel panels per day for 8 days, plus an opening and closing plenary. We will have our usual pre-conference workshop the day before the conference begins; that is, on Saturday September 11. IIPPE calls for general submissions for the Conference, and particularly welcomes those on its core theme on the pandemic and the state and future of capitalism. Proposals for presentations will as always be considered on all aspects of political economy. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of political and economic thought, critique of mainstream politics and economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are especially encouraged to submit an abstract.
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