[CFP] Conference 2020 – Financialisation Working Group

2020 IIPPE Annual Conference
Beyond Neoliberalism and Populism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies
September 9-11, 2020, Ferrara, Italy

Coordinators: Bruno Bonizzi, Ezgi Unsal

We welcome proposals for individual research papers, panels and other presentations that relate to the broad interests of the Financialisation Working Group at IIPPE’s 2020 Annual Conference.

Following the abandonment of Keynesian theory and policies after the 1970s, a broad set of theory-making practices and social policies was introduced towards greater market liberalisation and greater use of finance and financial instruments for economic growth. As the decade of 2010s was further characterised by the rise of populism politically, the interrelations between economic theory/policy-making and political populism emerge as a crucial area of investigation. 

Our working group is working towards the promotion of the political economy on finance in economics and other social sciences. In accordance with the general call for papers, contributions to the IIPPE FWG may include, but not limited to, proposals addressing the following key questions:

  • How does financialisation relate to the rising trend of populism across globe? What differences can be observed in developed and developing economies?
  • How can finance and financialisation be addressed in the current context of neoliberalism? Is there an underlying causal relationship between the rising importance of finance in the world economy and neoliberalism as a set of social, economic and political policy agenda?
  • What are the future prospects for the world economy given the primary role of finance? How can appropriate economic and social policies be designed to capture such prominence and its implications?

We welcome panel proposals and single paper proposals. If you are proposing a panel, all papers need to be submitted individually as above following the IIPPE conference procedures. In addition, please send an email to working group coordinators Bruno Bonizzi (b.bonizzi@herts.ac.uk) and Ezgi Unsal (ezgi.unsal@khas.edu.tr), indicating the panel title, paper titles and author names.  

To submit to this call please select Financialisation working group at IIPPE Conference Electronic Proposal Form. The deadline for proposals is March 15th 2020. All other deadline dates are stated in the Electronic Proposal Form instructions. For general information about IIPPE, its Working Groups, and the Conference, visit http://iippe.org/.

1 Reply to "[CFP] Conference 2020 – Financialisation Working Group"

  • Roberto
    February 4, 2020 (8:15 pm)

    ok,thanks…i write you:
    This is my page about a new theory macroeconomic conception monetary system https://www.facebook.com/notes/528952320466883/ , #macroeconomicsustainable ,and any reply are well accepted : i wrote about this on “riodialogues”(exposed better in the  note   https://www.facebook.com/notes/teoria-della-compensazione-della-massa-monetaria/bozza-espositiva-/228248770537241 :I suppose a new rule(through new legislation) for Central Bank: when one of the central bank have a new emission of money whith each rate the same bank print corrispective quantity of money of the rate ,out of budget,and give for free this quantity ,to compense the monetary mass ,at a pubblic commission that use for pubblic necessity etc etc…we resolve three problem :pubblic necessity,pubblic budget,and market crisis,;for example : the C. B. have a emission of hundred billion unit and fix a rate of 3% and give this money to commercial bank,at the same moment print 3 billion and give these to pubblic commission(ONU?) that spend for pubblic problem  #quantitativefree……at the end the commercial bank retourns 103 billions and the C.B .budget is ok ..whithout problem of failure of monetary mass….) http://www.facebook.com/pages/Teoria-della-compensazione-della-massa-monetaria/137335536277534 

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