[CFP] Conference 2020 – Africa Working Group
International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy
Africa working group: Call for Papers and Activist Proposals
Theme: “Beyond Neoliberalism and Populism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies“
The Africa Working Group invites proposals for individual papers or panels at IIPPE’s 2020 Annual Conference (Ferrara, Italy, 9-11 September). The conference this year focuses on ‘moving beyond neoliberalism and populism’ and on ‘building progressive policies and alliances for our societies and economies’.
The Africa Working Group aims at promoting intellectual and practical exchange between scholars and activists of African political economy, and those in other IIPPE working groups. It regularly contributes to the IIPPE annual conference to bring together activists and scholars of Africa who share an interest in radical approaches to political economy, acknowledging the social relations in capitalism and often with a critical Marxist perspective (visit here for more information: http://iippe.org/working-groups/africa-working-group/ ).
The Africa working group is supported by the Review of African Political Economy, whose contributions are based on politically engaged scholarship from a range of disciplines. The journal pays particular attention to the political economy of inequality, exploitation, oppression, and to struggles against them, whether driven by global forces or local ones such as class, race, community and gender. It sustains a critical analysis of the nature of power and the state in Africa in the context of capitalist globalisation. Please visit roape.net to see some of the Review’s more fast-moving analysis in areas such as critical agrarian studies, imperialism, labour struggle and uprisings, debt and debates around poverty statistics.
Proposals should be submitted online by 15th March 2020 here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvbQBjXUW9Yu-U9uiPR9VDSim2ugP-eYugLori7nCOSXbZoQ/viewform. Please tick the Africa Working Group when you make the submission. If you are proposing a panel, all papers need to be submitted individually and please inform the coordinators of the intended panel.
Group coordinators: Hannah Cross (h.cross@westminster.ac.uk) and Elisa Greco (elisa.greco@univ-catholille.fr).
For general information about IIPPE, its Working Groups, and the Conference, visit http://iippe.org/.
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