Proposal for a Political Economy of Health Working Group
Access to health and healthcare is a social right that goes beyond international borders and local health systems. A ‘political economy’ approach to health research implies the investigation of all factors concerning accessible and equitable health to all.
By promoting research and debate on Political Economy of Health, this working group seeks to analyse and produce critical evidence of contemporary issues related to the social right to health and the social determinants of health. The initiative aims to gather scholars interested in the analyses of how the capitalist system affects the process of entailing health as a right to every human being, influencing progressive social health policies and actions.
To join this working group please contact the coordinator.
Coordinator: Jonathan Filippon (
Keith Paterson
February 18, 2018 (9:06 pm)
Hi Jonathon I would be interested in a Political Economy of Health group. My location in Aberdeen would however preclude me physically participating in any meetings and this has similarly limited my partipation in other IIPPE working groups in which I have an interest (eg social reproduction and financialization). I could however try to participate by e mail or comment on papers etc. I have worked most of my life in the NHS and hold a Masters in Public health. I have had a long standing interest in Political Economy of Health since Lesley Doyal’s book on the subject and have recently rekindled my interest through correspondence with another mature student who recently got in touch after reading an old article I had written on the idea of a materialist epidemiology. I also have collected a fair bit of material on Marxism and health over the years.
Keith Paterson
Jonathan Filippon
February 19, 2018 (3:15 pm)
Dear Keith,
Thanks for your kind reply and interest in joining our Working Group!
Would you mind sending me an e-mail on so I can have your contact?
I can then give you news on where we stand with the group and see how we can collaborate in the future.
Warm regards,
Jonathan Filippon