Pre-Call for IIPPE Conference

The purpose of this Pre-Call is above all to allow IIPPE members to start to think about what they would like to present and discuss this year, and to begin talking with friends about joint or related work, prior to when the Call goes out. When the Call does go out is contingent on our knowing that we have a platform that will do what is necessary. We hope to have the Call out by the beginning of next month.

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Money and Society: A Critical Companion

This is a comprehensive, critical introduction to the sociology of money, covering many currently taught topics, from the origins of money to its function today. Though our coins, bank notes and electronic tokens do function as means of exchange, money is in fact a social, intangible institution. This book argues that money does indeed rule the world.

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IIPPE China Workshop 2020 – 02: China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Latin America and the Case of Brazil (5 Sept 20)

The webinar is now available on YouTube:  The presentation file can be downloaded at the bottom of this post. China’s flagship project Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to promote ‘mutual benefit’ in its overseas investments but has been subject to intense scrutiny and even suspicion. For countries which need capital investments in infrastructure and export trade to support internal accumulation, does BRI pose a debt trap or opportunity? Elias Jabbour, Professor at the School of Economics of the ...

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China Workshop 2020 – 01 The Political Economy of Crisis Management of Covid-19: China and the US

This webinar is now available on YouTube : The presentation file can be downloaded at the bottom of this post. The challenges posed by Covid-19 and the unfolding economic recession have put different models of crisis management into test. Comparing China and US's handling of public health emergency is not only useful in finding a tested strategy for this ongoing crisis but also in understanding the governance structures and basic political-economic systems of the two entities. Dic Lo will present his working paper ...

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Remembering John Weeks

John Weeks, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the School or Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), has died aged 79 from leukaemia. In the almost fifteen years since retiring, he focused on popularising radical economics, achieving it with considerable aplomb, through the (social) media and publishing ‘Economics of the 1%’ (2014) and ‘The Debt Delusion: Living Within Our Means and Other Fallacies’ (2020). His journey to this success sheds light both on the challenges facing revolutionaries of his generation, and contemporary capitalist economies, developing as ...

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Tribute to Jude Woodward

We are saddened with the news that one of our speakers, Jude Woodward, at the first China workshop passed away due to cancer. Below is a tribute from a co-ordinator of the China Working Group for Jude. Jude Woodward was presenting on China and contemporary imperialism in the China workshop on 5 June 2018 at SOAS, London. I came to know Jude through her writings and was first drawn to her by her compelling arguments in In Defence of China. After reading her new book The US vs China: Asia’s New Cold War?, I took up the courage to write to her and invite her to be ...

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Conference 2020 Postponed

Following close consideration across relevant Committees, there is unanimous agreement to cancelling/postponing our Annual Conference, scheduled for September 9-11 in Ferrara, Italy.

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[CFP] Conference 2020 – World Economy, Africa, Social Reproduction Working Groups

We encourage contributions on the geo-economic and class position of the Global South - and its global labour - within the international system of capital accumulation. We welcome research and activist work that cut across national and disciplinary boundaries, encouraging a dialectical understanding of apparently separated oppressions and struggles, and aim to build solidaristic movements and analyses.

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[CFP] Conference 2020 – World Economy Working Group

This section aims to foster a critical and interdisciplinary debate on unevenness, underdevelopment, and resistance in the Global South in the age of neoliberalism and populism by drawing from political economy, international relations, geography, political ecology, gender studies, race studies, sociology, and history.

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[CFP] Conference 2020 – Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group

The Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group would like to invite proposals for individual papers (which will be grouped into panels) and already-formed panels related to either the theory or the practice (consideration of both the successes and failures of both past and present concrete experiments) of Moving Beyond Capitalism.

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