[CFP] Conference 2021 – Dedicated panel on ‘Populism, Sovereignty and Class Politics’

Despite more than a decade of capitalist stagnation, the anti-capitalist left and the trade unions have not made persistent gains in any global north state. Instead, resistance has emerged in more sporadic political directions, with persistent anti- establishment grievances and demands for the accountability of state power. These themes were initially exploited by. leftists like Syriza and Podemos, but latterly have often been exploited in by right-populist. political entrepreneurs. A cross-cutting theme has been sovereigntism, the assertion of the primacy of the political sphere. over the free play of market forces.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Panel on ‘Class, nation, and the breakup of Britain’

The United Kingdom was central to the economics and geopolitics of the era of neoliberal globalisation. However, the breakdown of New Labour and the effects of austerity has led to a wrenching and persistent crisis of the state form, ranging from Brexit to Scottish independence referendum(s) to new contestation over Northern Irish borders. Central to this process has been the failure of the traditional centre-left to discipline working class voters to the status quo. With the possibility of a new Scottish referendum, this panel will analyse and discuss the implications of the crisis of the British state.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Panel on Financialisation of Water in the Global South

Our conference panel at the International Initiative for the Promotion of Political Economy (IIPPE) Conference 2021 will bring together scholars whose research sheds light on the different causes, forms, processes, impacts and wider consequences of water financialisation in the Global South.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Teaching Political Economy Working Group

Whilst the need for decolonizing economics curriculum and social sciences at large has been articulated by both academics and student movements alike, there are a wide range of issues linked to pedagogy, teaching methods and practices that will contribute to an under-investigated but vitally important aspect of our political economy community. Further, and linked, are questions of gender representation, with the undergraduate economics student populations dominated by male students and women under-represented in academic economics positions in the UK and across Europe, highlighting the need for teaching to foster access and inclusivity for the next generation of economists.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Social Reproduction Working Group

The Social Reproduction Working Group invites proposals for individual papers or panels in a joint stream on the theme of Social Reproduction, Capitalism and the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – China Working Group

China’s rapid economic recovery and ending of extreme poverty in 2020 forms a sharp contrast to the on-going struggle to control the pandemic and the steep decline in living standards elsewhere. US sanctions have pushed China to a ‘dual circulation’ strategy and a commitment to bypass the Western technological blockade. The persistence of China’s state-owned and controlled economy and improving outcomes on popular welfare continues to challenge the notion that it is nothing more than an authoritarian form of capitalism. With an emerging consensus in the Western world, including in left circles, that China presents a systemic challenge to the liberal democratic order, are the existing paradigms, orthodox and heterodox, still fit for purpose in this world-historic turn?

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group

While quite obviously this pandemic has strongly highlighted why moving beyond capitalism is continually becoming more necessary for the good of humanity, there is no requirement to tie your presentation to the pandemic (for our WG or any WG). As in past years, we are open to any paper discussing any aspect of moving beyond capitalism, and then we will take what is submitted and work to create panels out of them.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Social Capital Working Group

We also encourage contributions that generally address the topic of social capital. We welcome works that derive from various social science disciplines and use different units of analysis (individual, regional, country or cross-country level), methodologies and techniques (theoretical, empirical, qualitative and quantitative). Participants can submit individual papers or organise sessions.

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[CFP] Conference 2021 – Neoliberalism Working Group

Ahead of the 11th Annual IIPPE Annual Conference, 12-19 September 2021 (online), the Neoliberalism Working Group invites paper and panel proposals that fit in with its broad research agenda. The working group brings together researchers interested in the material basis of neoliberalism, its national varieties, and alternatives to it. For the IIPPE Conference 2021, we invite researchers working on themes at the forefront of studies in neoliberalism to submit papers to our panels and streams.

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Sign on letter to protest cuts to UKRI funding

You can add your name to the letter here if you wish to: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_cn28DpU0A-wCfW39_hEq8aNRHdCkL8ySdOT_L9eZlkju-Q/viewform Download and read the letter.

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