IIPPE Training Workshop on the Political Economy of Finance
The International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) announces a one-day training workshop on the political economy of finance, financialization and financial crisis.
Date and venue: Monday 22 June 2015 (9.30am registration opens for prompt 10am start to 5.30pm) at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Vernon Square Campus (Room V111), Vernon Square, Penton Rise, London, WC1X 9EW
The workshop will be led by Simon Mohun and Photis Lysandrou, and will focus on the Marxist theory of finance, contemporary accounts of financialization and the causes of the financial crisis of 2007-8. We are seeking an audience of engaged participants, including undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, junior academics and activists.
Because of potential space limitations, if you wish to attend you must pre-register by sending your name and occupation to Simon Mohun <s.mohun@qmul.ac.uk> before 16 June 2015.
Please note that there will be a £5 charge (payable on the day) towards tea, coffee and a sandwich lunch. Some limited funds are also available to help those travelling from outside London through a grant from the Amiel and Melburn Trust, up to a maximum of £50 per person (on submission of travel documents).
Brief notes on speakers:
Simon Mohun has written extensively on theoretical aspects of the labour theory of value and its application to the empirical analysis of the US economy. More recently he has extended this work to the study of the causes of the 2007-8 financial crisis.
Photis Lysandrou works on the political economy of corporate governance, of the European Union, and of finance. As regards the last, he has proposed a ‘commodity theory’ of finance, financialisation and financial crisis.