IIPPE Third Marxist Political Economy Training Workshop
See Programme.
Following successful Training Workshops in Marxist Political Economy in London in June 2012 and March 2013, IIPPE announces its 3rd Training Workshop. This will be held over 1 day on Monday 8 July at the ISS in The Hague, the day before the start of the IIPPE Annual Conference, to take place also at the ISS in The Hague. This is therefore an excellent opportunity to combine the Training Workshop with attendance at the IIPPE Annual Conference. While we cannot fund travel costs, we have space for 90 participants, and for 40 of these we have secured funding for 4 nights accommodation (7 July to 10 July). If you wish to attend the Training Workshop, please send a short paragraph giving your reasons to Elisa van Waeyenberge (ew23@soas.ac.uk). Please also make it clear whether you are applying for one of the 40 funded places. We expect oversubscription for these funded places; if so we will give priority to students and others who cannot obtain institutional funding to attend the Conference. Please apply AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. We hope to allocate the funded places by the end of April at the latest.
IIPE Training Workshop 3 | All that is Solid for Glenn Rikowski
April 16, 2013 (10:58 am)
[…] http://iippe.org/wp/?p=827 […]
June 26, 2013 (11:50 am)
Hello, I would be interester, even for propose lecture. But I don’t see any program.. Is there one available ?
Frederic Boccara.