Working Papers
The IIPPE Poverty Group is pleased to announce its Working Paper Series on political economy and heterodox research in absolute poverty related issues. This working paper series aims at offering PhD students and young researchers the possibility to have their papers reviewed by two academics who are working in their field of research. Submission of Work on all aspects of poverty is encouraged, with a special but not exclusive focus on absolute poverty and the conditions of living of the working class. Upon submission, the paper will be assessed by two referees, one senior and one junior academic, according to the topic of research at hand. If the paper is accepted, it will be – after necessary revisions – published as IIPPE Poverty working paper series. This process should give young researchers the chance to get feedback on their work in addition to their supervisor’s and make their work available to a broader audience.
1. Housing needs in an absolute poverty framework: The case of Greece
By Yiannis Bassiakos, George Labrinidis and Costas Passas, April 2013