Council Meeting Minutes (September 2018)
- Apologies: Heesang Jeon, Sergio Izquierdo
- 2019 Joint IIPPE/AFEP/AHE Lille Conference: Call for papers to come out by 7 October
- Report on IIPPE finances by IIPPE Treasurer Kate Bayliss was passed unanimously. The option of switching the IIPPE account in euros was discussed. Need for a more final structure for the conference fee payments.
- 2020 IIPPE conference: discussions to be held with Marco di Tommaso about the prospect of holding the 2020 IIPPE conference in Italy
- Need for an IT person to work with Heesang Jeon on the IIPPE website. Also need for one (or two) people to manage the content of the IIPPE website. It was agreed that one person on the Conference Committee would be the liaison for financial matters. This person will approve payments for conference expenses before these are paid by the treasurer. Al Cambpell will be the person on the Conference Committee who will do this for this year. Al has also undertaken to work out a more complete and advanced system of budgeting for conferences for use not only now but in the future.
- Invitation for IIPPE to participate and co-sponsor the 2019 Moscow Academic Economic forum was accepted unanimously.
- Aleksandr Buzgalin was unanimously voted co-opted Council member.
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