Conference 2020 Postponed

Dear IIPPE Member,

Following close consideration across relevant Committees, there is unanimous agreement to cancelling/postponing our Annual Conference, scheduled for September 9-11 in Ferrara, Italy. This also means that the normal holding of the AGM will be impossible, and we will soon communicate alternative arrangements on how we handle essential AGM business. It is our intention, with support from the current Local Organizing Committee, to hold our September 2021 Conference in Ferrara.

In the meantime, we hope IIPPE members will generate ideas on what can be done over the coming year to promote political economy and, in particular, think outside the box and come up with new ideas for doing so. We will be sending out periodic requests to the Working Groups for them to work on generating ideas and sharing them with the rest of IIPPE.

Best wishes in strained circumstances.

Ben Fine, Chair of the Executive Committee

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