[CFP] Conference 2021 – World Economy Working Group
IIPPE International Conference in Political Economy
11-19 September 2021
World Economy Working Group, Call for Papers
Decolonizing pandemic politics
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 May 2021
For decades, peasant and indigenous movements have fought against economic recolonization and dispossession, denouncing contemporary agribusiness as an incubator of deadly diseases. The Coronavirus pandemic crisis coincides with and exacerbates the multifaceted crisis of global capitalism: an economic, political, social, gender and environmental crisis that is having a disproportionate impact on workers and oppressed peoples in the Global South. As the movement for Black Lives has shown, moreover, class, racialized, sexed and gendered inequalities have become a matter of life and death also in the core of the system. There too, from the Global South and the post-Soviet space, the marketised decimation of heathcare provision is manifesting its deadly effects.
If the consequences of the Coronavirus pandemic crisis are global, COVID-19 is widely seen as intensifying the hegemonic crisis of the United States and the rise of China. But discussions about alternatives have not lived up to this reality, failing to learn from the non-Western world, and from popular and indigenous mobilizations in the Global South.
Movements for social and racial justice, however, cannot succeed without defeating the mutating virus of imperialism. This also means challenging the racialised capitalist hierarchy of vaccine development, manufacturing, licensing and dispensation administered via the World Health Organization and marketised global knowledge, rights, and health regimes. And it requires addressing the capitalist destruction of nature and deepening processes of resource extraction responsible for climate catastrophe and rising global hunger.
Amidst enormous sufferings, the current pandemic crisis has also manifested the centrality of social production and reproduction in the everyday workings of the system. If its roots are systemic, so is the power of the global working class. Peasant struggles against marketization and for food sovereignty are not separate from workers fighting for safe jobs and better conditions, or from movements against racism and racist policing that have raised the question of social revolution also in the core of the system.
IIPPE World Economy Working Group call for contributions aimed at crossing bridges between rural and urban, North and South, past and present struggles to draw lessons for building a post-pandemic future.
- Covid-19 and the communist horizon
- Abolition and revolution in the 21st century
- Extractivism, climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic crisis
- Dynamics of workers’ empowerment and disempowerment in the pandemic
- Epidemiologies of imperialism and global value chains
- Indigenous and peasant movements and the struggle for planetary survival
- Global perspectives on work, health and social reproduction
- Capitalist responses to COVID19
- Teleworking and labour precarity
- Business as usual and raising inequalities
- The Amazonification of labour and the challenges of workers’ organizing
- The politics of “essential workers”
- Vaccine nationalism and apartheid
- Imperialism, the global reserve army of labour and social reproduction
- Geopolitical conflicts, war and militarism
- Trade wars and hegemonic shifts
- Dependency and social reproduction
- Resistance, imperial decline and racist backlash
- De-development in the core and semi-periphery: the post-Soviet space
- Latin America: a second wave of the pink tide?
- Revolution and counter-revolution in the Arab world
- Militarized accumulation and policing
- The movement for Black Lives between the national and the global
- Financialization, land grabs and the global reserve army of labour
- Lesssons from the USSR experience of organized healthcare
- Financialization, imperialism and neo-colonialism
- Extractivist ecologies and migration
- Global apartheid, migration, and racialized labour markets
- Economic and political polarization
- The global rise of the far right
- The new wave of global revolt
- Social movements, political struggles and anti-neoliberal projects
- Ecological and anti-systemic struggles
- Black radical thought and International Political Economy
If you are interested in being part of a panel in this stream, or have any questions please email Lucia Pradella (lucia.pradella@kcl.ac.uk), Abelardo Mariña Flore (abmf60@me.com), Rubens Sawaya (Rrsawaya@gmail.com) and Yuliya Yurchenko (Y.Yurchenko@greenwich.ac.uk)
Please tick World Economy Working Group when you make your submission here: http://iippe.org/iippe-annual-conferences/11th-annual-conference-in-political-economy/
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