[CFP] Conference 2021 – Panel on ‘Class, nation, and the breakup of Britain’
September 12-19, 2021 / Online Conference
Neoliberalism Working Group
Call for papers for dedicated panel on ‘Class, nation, and the breakup of Britain’
Deadline for submissions of abstracts: 15 May, 2021
The United Kingdom was central to the economics and geopolitics of the era of neoliberal globalisation. However, the breakdown of New Labour and the effects of austerity has led to a wrenching and persistent crisis of the state form, ranging from Brexit to Scottish independence referendum(s) to new contestation over Northern Irish borders. Central to this process has been the failure of the traditional centre-left to discipline working class voters to the status quo. With the possibility of a new Scottish referendum, this panel will analyse and discuss the implications of the crisis of the British state. We would consider papers addressing the following themes:
- Are the 2014 independence movement and the 2016 Brexit vote interrelated phenomena?
- Did opposition to austerity take the form of constitutional politics, and if so, what are the wider implications for analysing contemporary class politics?
- Has nationalism transcended Labourism as the representative politics of working- class voters? How does this compare to the wider phenomenon of “Pasokification”?
- Why has Labourism proved ineffective in addressing the crisis outside of metropolitan England?
- What would be the geopolitical and geo-economic implications of the breakup of Britain?
Submission information
IMPORTANT: When submitting your abstract for consideration for the panel, please clearly write the name of the panel (above) in the abstract. When asked to select which working group the proposal is relevant for, please tick the box for it to be considered by the NEOLIBERALISM WORKING GROUP. This will ensure it is sent to the right people for review. To submit your abstract, please visit: http://iippe.org/iippe-annual-conferences/11th- annual-conference-in-political-economy/. The deadline for proposals is 15 May 2021. All other deadline dates are stated in the Electronic Proposal Form instructions.
For general information about IIPPE, its Working Groups, and the Conference, visit http://iippe.org/.
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