[CFP] Conference 2021 – Neoliberalism Working Group
11th Annual Conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), 12-19 September 2021
Neoliberalism Working Group: Call for Papers
Ahead of the 11th Annual IIPPE Annual Conference, 12-19 September 2021 (online), the Neoliberalism Working Group invites paper and panel proposals that fit in with its broad research agenda. The working group brings together researchers interested in the material basis of neoliberalism, its national varieties, and alternatives to it. For the IIPPE Conference 2021, we invite researchers working on themes at the forefront of studies in neoliberalism to submit papers to our panels and streams. Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Can neoliberalism address the climate crisis?
- How should we theorise and defeat racial neoliberalism and racial capitalism?
- How have prospects for development altered after the end of the global commodity boom, and are insights from dependency theory still valid?
- After Trump, is authoritarian neoliberalism dead or alive?
- Wither neoliberalism’s regional formations e.g. Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, East and South Asia, and the Middle East?
- To what extent have left governments in Portugal, Finland, Iceland and New Zealand managed to transcend neoliberalism?
- Has the unprecedented economic and political shock of covid-19 ushered in the end of neoliberalism?
Contact the co-conveners
If you have any questions about being part of this stream please email Joanne Tomkinson, SOAS University of London (jt49@soas.ac.uk) or Alfredo Saad Filho, King’s College London (alfredo.saad-filho@kcl.ac.uk).
Submit a paper or panel proposal
The process for submitting proposals will be largely identical to our standard procedure, and can be accessed through the following link: http://iippe.org/iippe-annual-conferences/11th-annual-conference-in-political-economy/
The Electronic Proposal Form (EPF) will be opened on the IIPPE website (www.iippe.org) on April 15. As usual, submissions may be made as (a) proposals for individual papers (which IIPPE will group into panels), (b) proposals for panels, (c) proposals for streams of panels, or (d) proposals on activism. The EPF will be closed on May 15, and notification of acceptances will be sent out by May 31. Full details of the call for papers for this year’s IIPPE conference are copied below.
Important, please note: please select the Neoliberalism Working Group when you make your submission.
11th Annual IIPPE Conference, 12-19 September 2021 – General information
The Pandemic and the Future of Capitalism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies
September 12-19, 2021 / Online Conference
Given the continuation of the COVID pandemic, this year’s IIPPE Annual Conference will be online. As we will not all be in one place we will have an issue of time zones. To address this issue and simultaneously to reduce the number of panels at any one time, we plan to have two sessions of parallel panels per day for 8 days, plus an opening and closing plenary. We will have our usual pre-conference workshop the day before the conference begins; that is, on Saturday September 11.
IIPPE calls for general submissions for the Conference, and particularly welcomes those on its core theme on the pandemic and the state and future of capitalism. Proposals for presentations will as always be considered on all aspects of political economy. New participants committed to political economy, interdisciplinarity, history of political and economic thought, critique of mainstream politics and economics, and/or their application to policy analysis and activism are especially encouraged to submit an abstract.
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