IIPPE China Workshop 2020 – 02: China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Latin America and the Case of Brazil (5 Sept 20)
The webinar is now available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDqBe6mZYso&feature=youtu.be
The presentation file can be downloaded at the bottom of this post.
China’s flagship project Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) aims to promote ‘mutual benefit’ in its overseas investments but has been subject to intense scrutiny and even suspicion. For countries which need capital investments in infrastructure and export trade to support internal accumulation, does BRI pose a debt trap or opportunity?
Elias Jabbour, Professor at the School of Economics of the ...
China Workshop 2020 – 01 The Political Economy of Crisis Management of Covid-19: China and the US
This webinar is now available on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvRUJzekvj4&t=42s
The presentation file can be downloaded at the bottom of this post.
The challenges posed by Covid-19 and the unfolding economic recession have put different models of crisis management into test. Comparing China and US's handling of public health emergency is not only useful in finding a tested strategy for this ongoing crisis but also in understanding the governance structures and basic political-economic systems of the two entities.
Dic Lo will present his working paper ...
Pre-Conference Training Workshop: The Systemic Dynamics of China’s Economic Development and the Systematic Implications for Contemporary Capitalism
This workshop aims to discuss the political economy of China’s development and its relationship with world capitalism from a historical materialist perspective. The first session will offer a perspective on the interactions between the Market Reforms and neoliberalism; the second session will look into some recent cinematic presentations of the “Chinese worker”, and argue how this stereotyping may preclude a fuller understanding of the dynamic reality of the Chinese proletariat; the third session will explore how the questions Lenin raised in his article Our Revolution may be answered by a socialist political economy that critically assimilates and transcends the theory and practice of Smithian/neoliberal and Listian/Keynesian market economics.
Joint Reteaching Economics – IIPPE Workshop (17 May 2019)
Date: Friday 17thMay
Venue: SOAS, University of London Room: Brunei Gallery 103
9:45 - Welcome
10:00- 11:00 SESSION 1:Institutional pressures from the higher education landscape and policy relevance of Economics
Danielle Guizzo- Archela (University of the West of England) Jeff Powell (University of Greenwich) Victoria B-G Stadheim (King’s College London)
15 min coffee break (provided)
11:00 –12:30 SESSION 2: Challenges and opportunities for interdisciplinarity and pluralism - implications ...
Why is finance powerful in developing countries? – Financialisation Discussion Group – (26 March 2019)
Why is finance so powerful in developing countries if it is not performing its economic function? How can governments reform the financial system to make it work in the public interest?
Natalya Naqvi from LSE will address the questions above for the second meeting of IIPPE financialisation discussion series 2019. Natalya Naqvi is an Assistant Professor in International Political Economy at LSE. Her current project investigates the conditions under which developing countries can exert public control over their financial sectors in order to support structural transform...
The rise of net lending among G7 countries – (8 March 2019)
"The rise of net lending among G7 Countries: A firm-level analysis"
The first meeting of IIPPE financialisation discussion series 2019 will host Davide Villani from Open University.
Davide Villani is a PhD student at the Open University. His research explores the relation between financial and the productive structure of the economy. One of the aims of the research is to expand the existing models of structural change by considering the role of monetary relations and the financial sector in order to throw new light on the processes of debt sustainability at the ...
Training Workshop: Political Economies of Work (20 February 2019)
The Workshop will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior academics and activists who have a particular interest in acquainting themselves with the relevance of Marxian political economy to the contemporary world. In this workshop, scholars will be introducing different understandings of work in the contemporary context that draw upon, but not limited to, different interpretations of Marx. Sessions interrogate issues of the global division of labour, gendered labour and questions about automation and the rise in digital platforms that are changing the conditions and experiences of work.
Training Workshop: Globalisation, State Theory, Financialisation, and the Labour Theory of Value (7 Nov 2018)
This Workshop will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior academics and activists who have a particular interest in acquainting themselves with the relevance of Marxian political economy to the contemporary world.
Training Workshop: “The Political Economy of China’s Transformation” (5 June)
This half-day workshop, jointly hosted by IIPPE Political Economy of China’s Development Working Group, SOAS Economics Department and Development Studies Department, aims to bring progressive scholars and students together to discuss China’s economic transformation and its impact on world development in relation to neoliberalism, capitalism and imperialism.
IIPPE and the University of Leeds Training Workshop (2 May) on Systems of Provision
This workshop provides a unique opportunity to engage with the inventor of the Systems of Provision approach – world-leading political economist Professor Ben Fine - who will introduce and discuss the approach in his keynote address and will be available to answer questions throughout the day.