Annual General Meeting (Pula, 2018)

  1. Attendance: 52 IIPPE members
  2. 2020 conference. Contacts with the Italian Network of Applied Economics (and Marco di Tommaso in particular) will continue. Idea of organizing joint workshops in Italy between now and 2020 was discussed.
  3. Report of the IIPPE Treasurer on IIPPE finances was passed unanimously.
  4. Training Workshops: need for more WG participation and more geographical dispersal.
  5. Satoshi Miyamura will discuss with Heesang Jeon the possibility of joining him in managing technically the IIPPE website. Susan Newman together with Asimina Christoforou will manage the IIPPE website contents. Together, the four of them will form the IIPPE Committee for the IIPPE website and send instructions about the use of the website before Christmas.
  6. Aleksandr Buzgalin: Russians will try to find ways for IIPPE members to obtain visa for the Moscow Academic Economics Forum more easily. Idea to explore the possibility of cooperation with the Russian Free Economic Society and their magazine. To be further discussed in the Lille conference

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