IIPPE Financialisation Working Group (FWG) – Call for papers 7th Annual Conference in Political Economy: Political Economy: International Trends and National Differences September 7 – 9, 2016 / Lisbon
The discussions on the processes behind the growing importance of finance and financial motives as well as sustainability of the financial systems have been located in the critical political economy debate of financialisation and neoliberalism. Despite the disputes on the causes and features of the financialisation phenomenon, there is common acknowledgement that over the last three decades the influence of finance has increasingly been felt in every sphere of economic and social life.
Financialisation has been associated with several issues; among which are tepid economic growth, indebtedness of households, changing structure of financial as well as non-financial sectors, and state fiscal imbalances. Additionally, the concept of financialisation has been applied to the understanding of different case studies that, in turn, reveal the varied dimensions in which finance has assumed a prominent role. Thus, ‘financialisation of this’ and ‘financialisation of that’ has been the popular axis of contextualising, and sometimes even defining the phenomenon.
However, there is still room for advancing the debate to shed light on the common and peculiar characteristics of these structural transformations under the ever increasing influence of finance. In this light, the FWG calls for papers strongly encourages contributions addressing the understanding of financialisation, the origin of this concept, its history, influences and similarities within the political economy framework. This is in consideration that the seventh Annual Conference in Political Economy aims at fostering a reflection on the development of political economy in response to the crisis, and the emergence and renewal of political economy. Regional and country studies, especially the literature emerging in the Global South as well as its empirical ramifications around the globe are invited.
In accordance with the general call for papers, contributions may include, but not limited
to, the following headlines:
• Financialisation as a phenomenon versus the simple description of ‘more finance’
• Finance functioning in terms of changing structures of economic production and social reproduction processes
• Is financialisation a phenomenon specific to the Global North and where does this understanding leave us in terms of understanding financial system’s transformation taking place in countries such as China?
• Impacts of financialisation on labour movements considering the indebtedness of households or wealth effects due to financial market involvement – in other words, what about financialisation and class?
• Other areas of interest might regard the role and use of alternative critical studies and methodology in financialisation theory; overlapping features between the financialisation framework and Monetary Circuit and Minskian Analysis; excessive risk taking and financial mechanisms, shadow banking; and securitisation as well as money markets.
Please send abstracts with 300 to 500 words covering the title, subject and main arguments of the paper. The deadline for abstract submission is set for the 1st of April 2016. Please note that participants can only present ONE paper at the conference. Therefore, if you have joint papers, please specify who will be the presenter. To submit a proposal, please go to the website and fill the following form in:
We accept submission of proposals for individual papers or complete panels to the Working Group. We would particularly like to encourage the submission of panel proposals (3-4 presentations) which collectively present the work of institutions or other academic groups and provide an excellent opportunity to showcase work in a greater depth. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the iippefinancialisationwg@gmail.com.
IIPPE Financialisation Working Group
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