[CFP] Conference 2020 – PolEcon of Urban and Regional Working Group

CFP: Urban and Regional Political Economy Stream, IIPPE Conference, Ferrara, Italy, September 9-11, 2020

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: March 15, 2020

Ozlem Celik, University of Helsinki
Angus McNelly, Queen Mary University of London

The Urban and Regional Working Group of the IIPPE calls for submission of abstracts for a stream on Urban and Regional Political Economy at the IIPPE Conference, Ferrara, Italy, September 9-11, 2020, following the successful streams at IIPPE conferences since 2010. We seek papers on any aspect of the political economy of localities and regions (sub-national territories), both rural and urban, and both Majority and Minority Worlds. Papers may be either purely theoretical or theorised empirical studies. We seek papers both on processes/relations within localities and regions and on processes/relations linking these scales to national and international scales. Possible fields include:-
* the organisation of the waged economy, labour power and capital-labour relations in production within and between localities;
* the organisation and the forms of labour found the non-waged/needs/solidarity/popular economy
* social reproduction within localities, including domestic work, commodity consumption, and local private and public services;
* the interactions between production and social reproduction within localities, and the production of class, gender and racial/ethnic relations and of working class cultures between these two spheres;
* construction of, and investment in, the built environment, and markets in the accumulated stock of buildings, including both commercial premises, housing and physical infrastructures;
* financialisation of urban space and nature, and impacts of money capital (finance) on the above processes, and vice versa;
* the production of the formal and informal city, and the relationship between the two;
* struggles of the working class, social and territorial movements around any of the above issues.
Papers should be within Marxist or critical political-economy, and approach the issues from the point of view of the labouring classes, peasants and/or oppressed people. We invite paper that address either or the Global South and the Global North.
For further information about submission of a paper or proposal, please follow the instructions in our online system: http://iippe.org/10th-annual-conference-in-political-economy/notes-on-the-electronic-proposal-form/

If you have further questions related to the Urban and Regional Working Group, please contact the coordinators by sending an email to:

Ozlem Celik ozlem.celik@helsinki.fi
Angus McNelly a.mcnelly@qmul.ac.uk

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