Political Economy of Industrial Development (PEID)
Research focus and interests
Stemming from the old Beyond the Developmental State Working Group (BDS), this group aims to adopt a broader focus on the Political Economy of Industrial Development (PEID). It welcomes Marxist and Heterodox readings of developmental processes, actors and policies that shape industrialisation processes, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. While the debate on the developmental role of industrial policy and on state intervention will continue to be central, this working group aims to critically engage with a wider range of topics linked to Industrial Development and Industrial Policy, including (but not limited to):
- Industrial Policy within Global Value Chains: Industrialisation and Value Chain Integration in the Global South; Value Production and Distribution in GVCs; Industrial Policies and Trade Agreements in the Global North and the Global South; Global Value Chains and Local Industrial Development; Power and Inequality within GVCs; Industrialisation and De-Industrialisation in a GVC Era.
- Nationally-oriented industrial policy: the Political Economy of the Industrial Policy-Making process; Policy Space within the Global Economy; Industrial Policies and the Covid-19 Pandemic: new Nationalisms and Regulations? Sectoral Policies and Development; SEZs and Industrial Development etc.
- Actors and Institutions within Global Industrial Development: role of States and Institutions; Corporate/ Multinational Strategies and Local Industrial Development; Bargaining and Power Relations between Business/MNCs and the State; Role of Industrial Development Financing Institutions; Power Dynamics within Global and Local Value Chains etc.
- Industrial Development, Work, and Industrial Relations: Industrial Development and the changing World of Work; Industrial Relations, Labour Regulations and Trade Unions; Global Industrial Development and Global Labour.
- Structural transformation: Transition from pre-capitalist to capitalist economies; shift from agricultural to industrial economies; institutional challenges of resource dependent economies; industrial challenges of commodity exporting economies in the context of COVID-19 and the “green transition”.
The PEID WG welcomes both theoretical and empirical contributions, at different levels of analysis (global, national, local, firm level). The WG is particularly interested on research contributions from and on the Global South. The WG will work towards organising specific panels at the Annual IIPPE Conferences, but welcomes ideas for additional events/seminars, proposals for joint publications and research collaborations.
To join the group and/or submit a proposal, please contact the WG Coordinators:
Lorenza Monaco – lmonaco@uj.ac.za / lorenza.monaco@ens-paris-saclay.fr
Pritish Behuria – pritish.behuria@manchester.ac.uk
Tobias Franz – tf2@soas.ac.uk
Members and Contacts
Lorenza Monaco (PhD, SOAS) is a Researcher at the Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Saclay / GERPISA (International Research Network on the Automobile Industry) and a Senior Research Associate at the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg. Her research focuses on Industrial Development and Policy within Emerging Economies (mainly India, South Africa and Thailand); on the Automotive Industry (with a more recent, additional focus on plastics, airlines and pharmaceuticals); on State/MNCs Relations and Local Industrial Development; on Labour, Trade Unions and Casualisation within Manufacturing.
Pritish Behuria is a Lecturer in Politics, Governance and Development at The University of Manchester’s Global Development Institute. At GDI, he is also the Deputy Director of the Rory and Elizabeth Brooks Doctoral College and the Convenor of the State-Society Relations Working Group. He is also the Founder and Convenor of the Development Studies Association’s Politics and Political Economy Study Group. His research focuses on the politics of economic transformation under 21st century globalisation. His past research experience is in Eastern and Southern Africa, and India.
Tobias Franz is a Lecturer in Economics at SOAS, University of London. His work critically engages with issues relating to the political economy of institutional change, elite politics, theories of development, and economic geography. His area focus is on Latin America, with an emphasis on Colombia.
Humam Al-Jazaeri
Faculty of Economics, University of Damascus
Research interests include the role of technology in facilitating development in emerging markets and transition economies
Contact details: humamjz@yahoo.com
Sam Ashman
School of Economics, University of Johannesburg
Research interests include corporate strategy and industrial development
Contact details: sashman@uj.ac.za
John Bobuin Gemandze
Department of Political and Public Administration, University of Buea
Research interests include public sector reform and sustainable development
Contact details: gemandzebobuin@yahoo.com
Eka Ikpe
African Leadership Centre, Kings College London
Research interests include developmentalism, industrial development, structural transformation as well as peacebuilding with a focus on African contexts.
Contact details: ekaette.ikpe@kcl.ac.uk
Kasper Vrolijk
Department of Economics, SOAS
Research interests include industrial policy and structural transformation in Africa
Contact details: k_vrolijk@soas.ac.uk
Judit Ricz
Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies and Department of World Economy, Corvinus University Budapestricz.judit@krtk.hu; judit.ricz@uni.corvinus.hu
Research interests include developmental states, industrial policies and varieties of capitalism (with main focus on Latin America) Contact details:Hajime Sato
Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization
Research interests include industrial development in Asian countries
Contact details: hajime@ide.go.jp
Daniela Tavasci
School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary, University of London
Research centred on financialisation
Contact details: d.tavasci@qmul.ac.uk
Papers to download
- Can South Africa be a Developmental State? Ben Fine
- State, Development and Inequality: The Curious Incidence of the Developmental State in the Night Time. Ben Fine
- The Relevance of the Developmental State Paradigm in the Era of Globalisation. Eka Ikpe
- A Success of Neoliberal Policy Reform? The case of the Indian Steel Industry in comparison with Japan and South Korea. Hajime Sato
- Industrial Policy and the South Korean Car Industry. Kwon-Hyung Lee
- The Rise and Fall of the Developmental State? The case of the Japanese and South Korean steel industries. Hajime Sato
- Fetishised State and Reified Labour. Dae-oup Chang
- A National Export-led Growth Plan: Lessons from the Software Industry. Jyoti Saraswati
- Just Do IT: The World Bank’s ‘Alternative’ Development Model. Jyoti Saraswati
- China’s Software Struggle: Five Lessons from the Indian Experience. Jyoti Saraswati
- The Indian Developmental State: What Went Right? Jyoti Saraswati
- Can China Do IT? The PRC’s Software Strategy in Comparative Perspective. Jyoti Saraswati
- Konza City and the Kenyan Software Strategy: the Great Leap Backward? Jyoti Saraswati