Members Meeting Minutes (Paris, 2012)
1. Dates of the Paris 2012 conference: 5 to 8th of July 2012
2. Title: Political Economy and the Outlook for Capitalism.
3. Conference Venue
The conference will be hosted by the University of Paris 1 “Panthéon-Sorbonne”. The University is located in many different places of Paris but the conference will take place in the 13th arrondissement (south east of Paris) close to the underground stations “Bibliothèque François Mitterrand” and “Olympiades” (line 14) and “Tolbiac” (line 7).
We will use two buildings:
- one for parallel sessions (10 rooms) and lunches
- another one for plenaries: two theatres of 400 places
Both places are 10 minutes walk from one another.
4. Three Conference Committees
- Local organisation committee: Composed by FAPE members but also one representative each from IIPPE and AHE.
- Conference Programme Committee: composed of 2 colleagues of each Association. The names will be decided at the AHE Nottingham conference (6–9 July 2011).
- Scientific Committee: each Association will propose names. Total number to be decided.
5. Supporting Organisations and Journals
will be able to organise panels and to appoint one member to the Scientific Committee. This will be coordinated by Daniela Tavasci ( There are already two of them:
- GDRI DREEM (Développement des recherches économiques euro-méditerranéennes) Euro-Mediterranean Economic Research Development headed by El Mouhoub Mouhoud
- GDRE “Monnaie Banque Finance” European Research Network on Money, Banking and Finance head by Jean-Bernard Chatelain
6. Funding already secured:
- 6000 € from the Region
- 5000 € from the University of Paris 1
- 2000 € from the University of Paris 13
- 13000 €
7. Call for papers
Still in progress, to be finalised at the AHE Nottingham conference
8. Bilbao Conference
The colleagues of the Bilbao Conference which is normally held in early July have been informed of the date in order to avoid possible clash.
9. Fees
Design a system with a significant discount rate for those who pay in advance.
10. Publications
Revue de la Régulation
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