Materials to download (from the 1st Training Workshop)

Session 1: Value and capital as the basis of the contemporary world financial and economic crisis  (Andrew Brown)

Download (PDF, IIPPE_Tr_Wkshop_1_June_2012_Brown.pdf)

Session 2: Capital, Surplus-Value, Exploitation and Accumulation (Simon Mohun)

Download (PDF, IIPPE_Tr_Wkshop_1_June_2012_Mohun.pdf)

Session 3: Money, credit and finance (Photis Lysandrou)

Download (PDF, IIPPE_Tr_Wkshop_1_June_2012_Lysandrou.pdf)

Session 4: Development, dependency, imperialism and globalization (Ben Fine)

Download (PDF, IIPPE_Tr_Wkshop_1_June_2012_Fine.pdf)

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