Joint Reteaching Economics – IIPPE Workshop (17 May 2019)
Date: Friday 17thMay
Venue: SOAS, University of London Room: Brunei Gallery 103
9:45 – Welcome
10:00- 11:00 SESSION 1:Institutional pressures from the higher education landscape and policy relevance of Economics
- Danielle Guizzo- Archela (University of the West of England)
- Jeff Powell (University of Greenwich)
- Victoria B-G Stadheim (King’s College London)
15 min coffee break (provided)
11:00 –12:30 SESSION 2: Challenges and opportunities for interdisciplinarity and pluralism – implications for research methods
- Alberto Botta (University of Greenwich)
- Benjamin Bowles (SOAS University of London, Anthropology Department)
- Annina Kaltenbrunner (Leeds University Business School)
- Sara Stevano (University of the West of England)
- Elisa Van Waeyenberge (SOAS University of London, Economics Department)
Lunch break 45 minutes
13:15 – 14:45 SESSION 3: Challenges and opportunities of Economics curriculum around decolonisation, gender and diversity
- Ali Al-Jamri (Rethinking Economics – Diversity Campaign Manager)
- Ingrid Kvangraven (University of York)
- Lorena Lombardozzi (Open University)
- Lucia Pradella (King’s College London)
- Meera Sabaratnam (SOAS UoL, Chair of Decolonising SOAS Working Group)
14:45 – 16:00 SESSION 4: Interactive session – Examples of best practices on how to incorporate pluralism in core modules
- Kevin Deane (Queen Mary University of London)
- Sara Gorgoni (University of Greenwich)
16:00 official closure
16:00- 17:30 Reteaching Economics internal meeting
17:30 drinks
Please register on Eventbrite.
Bertie John
April 22, 2019 (4:24 pm)
Hi there, I was just wondering if you had any spare tickets for this event?