[CfP] Conference 2022 – World Economy Working Group
The 12th Annual IIPPE Conference
World Economy Working Group, Call for Papers
7 – 9 September 2022, Bologna, Italy
Storming the World Economy
The world is going through turbulent times. After the still unsolved 2008 financial crisis, a new cyclical crisis unfolded in 2019-20 with the COVID19 pandemic and the recession caused by public health and economic responses to it. Bottlenecks in global supply chains made recovery attempts stall in the second half of 2021 and inflationary trends, not observed since the 1980s, have now emerged worldwide. Inter-imperialist confrontations have reached a new phase, as manifested in the escalation of Russia’s imperialist invasion of Ukraine that started in 2014. If this situation is the expression of a deepening global power crisis, the war in Ukraine is in turn severely affecting energy and food supplies, pushing countries to reevaluate their global and policy strategies and threatening worldwide military conflict. This is happening in the context of a planetary climate crisis that is worsening day by day.
The economic, social, political, sex, gender, and environmental impacts of these multiple crises are deep, especially on workers worldwide and on the Global South. We are thus witnessing the emergence of new forms of labour organizing and political protests, albeit politically polarized, that are likely further to intensify in the future. If this “perfect storm” situation is the result of the structural contradictions of capitalism, understanding the present conjuncture and ideological shifts is key to organizing local, national, regional, and international movements and giving them an emancipatory direction. IIPPE World Economy Working Group calls for contributions analyzing the causes and the economic, social, political and environmental impacts of the multiple crises the world is facing to draw lessons for storming the world economy and building our common future beyond capital.
- Imperialism and its latest forms
- Globalization in question
- The illiberalism of the ‘liberal international order’
- The extension of international conflicts: NATO, US, EU, Russia, China, India, etc.
- The global rise and strengthening of the far right
- New configurations of geo-economic and geopolitical struggles
- The impact of capitalism’s multiple crises in Europe, Africa, Asia, North America and Latin America
- Hegemonic crises and the need for a new global social order
- Social reproduction in the (post?)pandemic world economy and its intersectional effects
- Crises, work and living conditions worldwide
- Ecological and anti-systemic movements
- Indigenous and peasant movements and the struggle for planetary survival
- The Amazonification/Uberization of labour and new forms of workers’ organizing
- Abolition and revolution in the 21st century
- Rebuilding the anti-war movement
- Imperial decline, policing, and racist backlash
- The future of the Black Lives Matter movement
- Global apartheid, migration, and racialized labour markets
We welcome panel proposals and single paper proposals. If you are proposing a panel, all papers need to be submitted individually via the link below and sent also by email to the working group coordinator with the titles of all papers. If you have any questions, please contact the World Economy Working Group working group coordinators Abelardo Mariña Flores abmf60@me.com, Lucia Pradella lucia.pradella@kcl.ac.uk, Rubens Sawaya rrsawaya@gmail.com and Yuliya Yurchenko y.yurchenko@greenwich.ac.uk
Please state clearly that you are responding to this Call for Papers by selecting World Economy Working Group in your submission.
The deadline for abstracts and proposals is Saturday 30 April 2022.
To submit a proposal, please click on this link and follow the instructions: https://whova.com/portal/registration/iippe_202209/
The above link will take you to the registration page on our conference platform, Whova, which administers the proposals in the form of issuing a ‘ticket’. On the first page, please change the quantity of ticket to 1 and then click ‘next’ to proceed. On the second page, fill in the required information and submit your abstract/proposal. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as completed.
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