[CFP] Conference 2022 – Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group
The 12th Annual IIPPE Conference
Socio-Ecological Crisis and the Political Economy of Sustainability
7 – 9 September 2022, Bologna, Italy
Call for papers for the Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group
Radical Political Economy’s multidimensional critique of the environmentally, socially, and humanly destructive operation of capitalism, immediately raises the question in the minds of people we are trying to convince that “a better world is possible”: if it is ended, what is it to be replaced with? While social change has never been driven by a hegemonically accepted recipe or blueprint, on the other hand it has only occurred when society has believed that alternative ways of organizing society that do not suffer from what they do not accept in existing society are feasible. Accepting the status quo’s strong defence of “there is no (functional) alternative” precludes radical social change. Notwithstanding that all large social changes in history have been “a road both discovered and built by walking it”, constantly changing and evolving ideas about feasible better future social organizations have always been one necessary aspect of discovering and building any road of radical social change.
Last year the Moving Beyond Capitalism stream had a particularly large program. Going live will of course reduce that (as will the presumable loss of the ability of our significant number of participants from Russia from last year to attend this year), but it will facilitate interactions for our Working Group and all of IIPPE that cannot occur virtually. In addition this year, we have now built the structure so that people who want to can post their notes, a related article, or a Power Point presentation on line to promote the discussions, and they can change those from what they posted before their presentation to what they want to post after, further enriching the discussion within our Working Group.
All members of IIPPE will have seen the general Call for the Conference that went out last week. This is a reinforcing Call for submissions to the Moving Beyond Capitalism WG of either individual papers or pre-formed panels on any topic concerned with moving beyond capitalism, that is, with building a better world.
To submit a proposal, please go to the link https://whova.com/portal/registration/iippe_202209/, click to increase the number of tickets from 0 to 1, then click “Next”, and then follow the simple the instructions from there.
IMPORTANT: In the process of filling out the small amount of information asked, when it asks for what Working Group that you are submitting to, indicate the Moving Beyond Capitalism WG.
The deadline for abstracts and proposals is 30 April 2022.
If you have any questions about submitting anything to the Moving Beyond Capitalism Working Group, please contact the working group coordinator Al Campbell, at al@econoimcs.utah.edu.
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